Astarion x Female OC

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(A/N the OC's name is Raine. I'm excited to introduce her and I will have pictures throughout showing her outfits! I am also using a friend's OC as well! Kilil is his name. this one is going to be a slower burn, with smut in the end. This is your only warning :) )

Raine sat in the tavern in the Sword Coast. She tapped the bar top to signal to the Tavernier that she wanted another drink. The barman nodded in response and refilled her glass leaving it full and frothy.

Raine brought the glass to her lips and was about to taste the spicy beverage on her tongue when she suddenly pulled away. She heard the door to the tavern slam open and to males walked through. One of which was a tall lengthy pale elf with crimson eyes. The other was a shorter blue tiefling with twisted horns on the top of his head. His dark eyes pierced through the atmosphere.

Raine eyed the males curiously before picking up on a scent. Her strong smell drew her attention to the paler male. 'He's undead'
She thought to herself. Raine then took of her drink and watched them suspiciously.

"Ugh, it's filthy and it reeks in here!" The elven man complained to his friend only to receive a nod in exchange.
" Well Maybe we can find some answers in here." The indigo man replied leading the other further into the bar. Astarion grumbled and placed a hand over his nose to hopefully not have to breathe the stench.

Kilil sniffed the air a few times. "No powered iron vine, luckily. Dammit, who might be able to help us with these tadpoles?" he wondered with a little disappointment in his voice.
"Finding a way to control them is what we need, not getting rid of them, mind you. They're powerful little beasts," Astarion grumbled.

Raine's pointed ears perked up and curiously, she got a little closer to the duo, trying to listen in on their private conversation. She inched forward little by little only to suddenly stop and hold her stomach. She was parched and hasn't feasted in days. 'N-no.. I gotta fight it' she shook her head trying to remain her composure.

"What a pretty little morsel that swam into the net~" the vampire suddenly spoke from behind Raine. A smirk was on his lips as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Enjoying eavesdropping~?"

Kilil bit his lip upon seeing the mysterious half elf who was evesdropping. His tail swayed behind him, as if he could tell they were being watched by someone.

Raine's heart dropped as she stiffened feeling the hands on her shoulders she growled. She turned around and showed her elongated fangs to him as a warning.
"I wouldn't recommend touching me". She hissed.

Astarion placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head to the side to show off his own set of fangs. "I wouldn't if I were you, darling~" he purred.
Kilil sighed quietly. "Please, don't fight. We're just trying to find someone to help us and get out of here."

Raine eyed the two up and down studying them looking for any vulnerabilities or weaknesses. "And who's going to stop me if try?" She scoffed not feeling threatened by their presence.

Astarion cooed at her, as if goading, before pulling away. "A young one such as yourself is no match for me~" Kilil shook his head before leading Astarion away by his shirt. "No fighting. We gotta find help, remember?"

Raine scoffed at him breathing heavily as she once again tried to fight her deadly urges. "Aw, too weak to fight so you need help? How adorable" She pouted playfully with a half smirk on her face.

Astarion quietly hissed, turning back to face her. "So would you if you had a brain worm from a mindflayer crawling about in your skull!"

Raine perked her head backwards and made a face. "Brain...worm?" She asked not familiar with the term. "Should I be familiar with?" She raised a brow.

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