Chapter thirty five: a quiet beginng

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Chapter thirty five —-
A quiet beginning

  —- she had her phone against her ear, her brows shot up in surprise, "huh? Really?" She blinks in shock, "mmhm!! I'm pregnant! That's for sure!! Your Dad and Toko know already, but the Midwife has confirmed it, your going to have another sibling!!" Her mom yells. The sound of the ocean in the background.

Her mother and Toko were already out of Japan due to the fact that there was going to be a really big fight. Right...

"But i want to stay in japan with you and aki, papa!!" Toko pleas, big fat tears in the corner of his eyes. Aki had her normal expression as she stood by her Dad's side while their mom held Toko in her arms, a sad and teary look on her mother's face.

"Toko, this is the safest option- don't worry toko, because as soon as you know it- you'll be in japan with me and aki" her father says, trying to make him understand what was happening.

"But why can't Sister come?!"

That made her dad pause, Aki took a step forward, taking her hand and patting it on his head. "Toko, i want to be a hero, you don't have to worry, i'll be just fine. So please don't cry. Aren't you a big boy?" She tells him, a small and barely noted smile was on her lips

"I am!! I- i wont cry!" Toko yells, obviously lying, but they didn't say anything. Her mom raises her free and uses the back of her hand to wipe the tears that came.

"Oh Shiro, Aki... this is all so nerve wracking. What will i do..." she says sadly with a frown, looking at Aki and Shiro tearfully.

Her dad gave her mom a sweet smile, giving her a hug along with Toko, before he pulls away before kissing the top of Aki's mother's head.

"Don't worry, i promise this matter will be handled quickly. You deserve a nice break in Malaysia, please have a good time for me. I'll see you soon." Her father tells her mother.

Aki nods in agreement, "i'll see you soon, Mom. Toko. Please have a good time." She tells her mother and brother, though her mother didn't take just that from her for a goodbye- instead, her mom gives her a tight hug with Toko in her other arm who squeezed Aki's hand.

The two eventually part, leaving Aki and her dad alone. "Dad... everything will be fine... correct?..." she says as she swallows thickly, balling her right hand into a tight fist.

Her father places a hand on her shoulder before looking down at her while she eyed him upwards, a tight look on his face

"I'm sure."

"..-aki?" The sound of her mother on the line snapped her out of her thoughts, "oh. My bad. Sorry." She says with a breath

"Don't be sorry. I should call you later, and Aki... as soon as you can... call me..." she swallows thickly, the sound of her mother's quivering voice was evident.

Aki let a breath out, "i promise."

—- now, she along with all of the people that were on Team Edgeshot, who were part of the advance squad were ready to start this all out war against the Paranormal Liberation Front. The team included some of her classmates, it also included some heroes she knew; once of which was Midnight.

Aki wasn't sure if she should be glad her dad was on Endeavor's squad or have her nerves of the fact he wasn't on the same team her. But she knew she had to leave those worries behind and be focused on the task ahead.

"Our intel states that the lieutenants have gathered for a routine meeting. Everyone of them should be inside this mansion. Our enemy has something of a warping power, but apparently that creature is at the hospital. As long as he's kept out of the equation; these foes will have nowhere to run" edgeshot states.

Aki heard of one the mushroom girl from class B talk to her other classmate, but she honestly didn't care whatever the girl was saying. All she can tell is that she was worried about being so close before hearing midnight console the brown haired girl.

She also didn't really care much about Kaminari's panicking of being on the front lines. She gave him a sideways look with Tokoyami.

She was on the front lines due to her long ranged quirk that was good at taking out large groups from afar just like Tokoyami with Dark shadow, Kaminari with his Electric powers, the one student from B whose power could soften the ground- and mushroom girl with her mushroom powers.

"Hey Idou- aint this scary for you??" Kaminari asks in a nervous way, rubbing his arms with his hands. She looks over at him with a blink, "oh. No."

"REALLY?!" Kaminari yells out. She was dumbfounded as she blinked again, "..." she just looked away from him, probably making kaminari freak out more than before.

Their little chat didn't have much time as they had to all start in their start of their part, heading over to the mansion. She drifts away from the blonde boy into a different position.

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