How to Promote

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There are countless methods to promote and spread the word about your profile. You can make a social media presence and promote there to bring more folks to your Wattpad commpro. You can join CommunityHub to get benefits from us. Check out here to know how to join .

✸ Broadcast. Sharing your profile events through your profile's message boards will bring more views. And your community will look forward to checking their notification for recent updates. Try to put something through these broadcasts once in a while because your followers will notice you in that way.

✸ It's amazing how an event can bring so many outcomes. Do events because when you create something that's worthy to share, it will bring more eyes. People will share and you will get more views.

✸ Maintain your reading lists well. Update them so it's not the same always.

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You can find helpful resources to create a community profile in our Carrd. Our Carrd can be found as an external link to this chapter and in our bio.

Community Profiles 101: Survival GuideWhere stories live. Discover now