10: Predator and Prey

Start from the beginning

Xavier's stomach twists into a knot. He shouldn't care. Why would it matter what you choose to do with your life, and who you choose to meet with? You're a grown adult, and you have the right to make your own decisions. Not to mention that he doesn't know you well enough to advise you or weigh in.

He shouldn't care. There's absolutely no reason why it should matter.

So then, why is he secretly hoping that it's a bug bite, or perhaps a nasty scratch that you're trying to cover up?

"I, um, have another client," you reply hastily. It's a lie; Xavier can tell as much. You're not a very good liar, which is unfortunate, because it makes your dishonesty that much more transparent. "I was recently assigned a different one. One that respects my boundaries and isn't pushy."

Xavier blinks robotically. He doesn't understand why you would lie to him. Perhaps the question was a touch invasive, but based on the fidgety way in which you answered, it's almost as if you have something to hide.

Maybe it's not even a vampire bite mark. Maybe it's something else, like a leftover show of affection from an intimate night. A love bite.

Xavier isn't sure why, but no matter which explanation he comes up with, they all irritate him.

"Is everything okay?" you prod, tilting your head to the side. "I'm ready now. I promise I've calmed down, so you don't need to worry about pressuring me into anything. You can start whenever."


Xavier leans closer, and as always, wraps an arm around you so that he can hold you steady during the act. His lips brush against the exposed skin of your neck, but he doesn't sink his fangs in, not right away. He doesn't even realize it himself, but he's so distracted that he can hardly focus on what's in front of him.

What you do on your own time shouldn't matter to him. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter. He was briefly concerned for your wellbeing earlier, but anyone with a conscience would have done the same. That's really all it was. Yeah. That's all it was.

Xavier sinks his fangs into your neck and allows the taste of your blood to flood into his mouth, overwhelming all of his senses so that he can't think of anything else.

You don't say anything all the while, but you're clenching your fists, and doing your utmost not to whimper.

For some reason, it hurts more than usual today.


You blink lethargically. As always, time passes incredibly slowly when you're working such a tedious, menial job. It's nice to not have to deal with customers, you suppose, but Caleb isn't working the same shift as you today, so you're bored out of your mind.

"[Name]," one of your coworkers says. "When you have a minute, can you take out the trash? It's starting to overflow."

"Ah, sure. I can do it right now."

You remove your rubber gloves and shake off some soapy bubbles before setting them aside. Then, you empty out the trash can and tie up the garbage bag, making sure to hold your breath the whole time. You pick up the garbage bag and lurch from how heavy it is, but quickly regain your balance as you walk out through the side door.

It's nice to get some fresh air for a change. Being cooped up inside and washing dishes for hours on end is not only monotonous, but after a while, the smell of leftover food on the plates really starts getting to you.

The side door opens up into an alley, and just a bit further down, there's a dumpster where you can toss away the trash. You can finish the whole thing in roughly a minute, but as you step out of the building, instinctively, you freeze.

Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now