
The man is generous in the bedroom. And the shower. And the breakroom.

If I were one for commitment, Jesse would definitely be a contender. But since neither of us is looking for forever, we've agreed to let things play out until we get bored. It's a hot distraction from what happened- from what else may still happen.

Everyone was shaken after Tweak's attack, even if they refused to let it show. Viper thinks his guard detail will prevent anything from happening to us, but physical protection only does so much. It's the mental damage that's so much more dangerous. That's the shit that will eat away at you slowly, driving you to insanity and paranoia.

The thought that someone may be plotting against you or the ones you care about, that's the real foundation of nightmares.

So, for now, I'll do what I can to keep my mind from spiraling into the deep, dark confines of 'what if'. I'm always keenly aware that something bad can happen at any moment, but running all day every day on that kind of energy isn't good for anyone.

That's where Jes comes in. His generous orgasm donations help balance out the negatives with positives. He almost makes things feel normal. But there is no such thing as normal when you live in the inner sanctum of an MC that has pissed off rivals. Especially when the MC President is your father. That alone puts a huge target on your back.

Mine. And Nix's.

Just like that, the dread creeps back in. "Hey," Jesse says softly. "You okay?"

I shake myself out of my haze. "I'm fine."

The look he shoots me tells me he isn't buying it. Suddenly, warm arms circle my waist, and Jesse's hot breath ghosts across the skin of my neck. "Do we need to disappear to the back room for a few minutes? Take your mind off whatever it is that's got you frowning?"

His offer of a quickie gets my heart pumping. Just as I'm about to respond, a gruff voice cuts through the air, making both of us freeze. "No one comes here to watch live porn. Knock that shit off!"

Jesse hides his smile in my neck whispering, "Whoops."

He loosens his grip on me as he turns to our audience. "Someone's got their panties in a bunch this morning."

Reaper glares violently, looking more annoyed than anyone has the right to be at this hour of the day. "What's Pres gonna say if he walks in and sees you two bangin' one out over the bar?"

Reluctantly, Jesse pulls away from me, sending me a look that says 'We'll finish this later'. I go back to stocking coolers and wiping down the bar, shooting Reaper daggers every few minutes.

Just because he's not getting any doesn't mean he needs to cockblock everyone else!

I'm sure it's no fun being fifth wheeled at night when Nix and Raptor and Jesse and I disappear for some M-rated extracurriculars. Those two aren't exactly quiet, and Jesse and I don't put extra effort into tamping down our noises either. But damn!

Get over it, dude!

Maybe he's extra grouchy because of his interrupted sleep patterns. Maybe he's jealous. Maybe he just wants everyone around him to be as miserable as he is.

Whatever it is, he needs to knock it the fuck off. Just because he isn't getting it in doesn't mean he should make the rest of us suffer with him. "Stupid prick," I mutter to myself.

For the rest of my shift, I make sure that Reaper has a front-row seat to my flirtations with Jesse. Every eye bat, every sultry word, every not-so-innocent touch shared for Mr. Cockblock to witness. I wasn't sure what I was doing registered with the jackass until I met his eye as I grazed my ass over Jesse's crotch while reaching for an ice scoop during the lunch rush. His scowl and eye roll showed his cards- he noticed and it pissed him off.

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