Meeting Higasa's Ice Prince

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(Hello! I just want to say, this is basically a summary of what has already happened in the first few episodes to get an idea of whats happening. Its in my own words, of course, so if you need a little recap or want to see my take on things, feel free to read! This chapter is not necessary to enjoy A Not So Short Walk Home.)

I sighed, finally it was the end of the day. Today was a long day. Our midterm results had came in today and, unfortunately, I got the highest score. I know I should be happy, my brother would want this, but I cant stand it here. Everyone expects me to be perfect, and the best. It makes me happy of course, but with all the pressure on your back, theres more cons than pros. I have to force myself to be happy *all the time*! It gets exhausting. 

After my little cry sesh in the abandoned club room, I was leaving school. Suddenly, all I heard was "SHIRAISHI!!!!!!!!" I jumped, surprised, and turned around to find Mari and Ryouhei. "Sorry 'bout my girlfriend..." Ryouhei sighed. I realized what was going on, before Mari shoved her phone to my face. "What is it?" I shuffled back, letting myself process the image. It was midterm scores from our school's rival, Higasa Academy. I noticed it focused on the #1 spot. "Look! Kurose got the same amount of points as you! And now Higasa is bragging even though we got more points total..." I ignored her rambling, and focused on the name. "Kurose, Harumi" the board said. He did, in fact, get the same amount of points. "Woah, woah, who is Kurose again?" I muttered, a bit embarrassed. "Higasa's Ice Prince! Y'know, your sworn enemy...?" My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, how did I forget? Except we werent really sworn enemies, I didnt even know the guy. Before I could respond, she scrolled through her phone, and showed me another picture. "Here! Kurose." It was a picture of a boy. It wasnt a normal boy, though, he was gorgeous! And they were comparing me to him!? My face grew pale, and it didnt take long for them to realize. "Whats wrong?" Ryouhei asked. "Intimidated?" Mari interrupted, teasing me. I let out a small chuckle, trying to calm the situation. "N-No, of course not, why would I-" I muttered, my eyes widening as Mari started ranting how I shouldnt be intimidated. I felt my soul leave my body when she mentioned he had called me some worthless rando, considering how I definitely was, compared to him. I started paying attention again. "However, he's called 'The Ice Prince' for a reason! The only emotion he ever portrays is disgust! But you, youre practically an angel! Youre always smiling and ready to help. And, Kurose does no sports, but youre our soon-to-be ace on the track team! And youre a great cook! Its so obvious whos better-" she continued. I didnt plan on staying to hear the rest of her rant, it was so embarrassing! Im not *that* great! "Yeah, uhm, im going to miss the train if I stay, bye!" I yelled, and ran straight off the campus to the train station.

My mind was racing about Kurose, he's so intimidating! What would I even do if I met him? What if the others realized how much better he is? What if everyone started hating me? My thoughts got cut off by the trains announcement for Ekodani Station. A crowd of people joined the train. I guess ill just have to try not to meet him. A couple of minutes went by, before a boy in front of me asked me to move my bag. "Oh! Sorry." I glanced at him, before realizing, it was Kurose! My sworn enemy! Oh, no, what do I do now? He definitely knows its me, right? I tried to ignore him, and I was finally able to relax when I heard a call for Koizumigakuen Station. I stepped off, not looking back, but I heard someone stop beside me. A chill went down my spine when I realized it was Kurose! I tried to ignore him, but we kept going in the same direction, every turn I made he made. I didnt know he lived around here! I had never seen him around before. Oh no, what if he thinks im following him? Is this some sort of prank? Suddenly, he stopped. "Hey." He stated. "That' Suisha Academy's uniform, right?" A chill went down my spine. Maybe he doesnt know me its me? Yeah, maybe then I can play this off. "Oh, uh, yeah. I go there. Why?" I gave a small smile, hiding my fear. "Do you happen to know Akihiko Shiraishi?" He asked. My mind filled with scenarios. What do I say? Clearly he doesnt know that its me, so maybe I can just lie? "Uhm, no, I dont know him-" "Hey, Shiraishi! Hows your mother, Mrs. Shiraishi?" Oh no, Mr. Takeda! Seriously? "Hello, Mr. Takeda! She is doing fine, thanks for asking! Im doomed. Kurose keeps staring at me with those ice cold eyes, and theyre making me nervous. "As I was saying, uhm, I dont *know* Akihiko Shiraishi, because I *am* Akihiko Shiraishi!" I chuckled nervously, hoping he wouldnt question it. "Well, nice to meet you, Shiraishi. Im Harumi Kurose." Yeah, I know... "Nice to meet you too!" I smiled at him, hoping to not offend him. "So youre *the* Harumi Kurose. Haha..." I muttered. "So youve heard about me." A small blush appeard on his face, and I relaxed a little. "Yeah, im assuming you have too. So, why did you ask for me?" I asked him, curious about his intentions. "Yeah, ive heard a lot about you. Im just curious..." He looked back at me with his cold gaze and I immediately tensed up. "Since youre my sworn enemy." 

(Im going to end the recap here since theres a whole other episode until they stop talking. I ended on episode 2, but I really recommend you read the whole series on webtoon. The series is on pause right now, but theres 16 episodes out that you can read free!)

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