The other classes

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Dream's pov.:

As we were in the class an idea came to me. However I waited untill homeroom, knowing that just starting a converstation out loud would be quite disliked by the teachers, even though what was shown on their faces said otherwise.

Eventually our daily homeroom's time arrived.

Dream.: Ms.Ellen? Can I ask a questsion?

Ellen.: Sure.

Dream.: So do you remember when you told us that info would cost us 4 million?

Ellen.: Are you giving up finding it out yourself?

Drean.: Guys, I am paying 2 million out of the 4. Anyone else?

Techno.: my golden heart says that I must throw in 500k. Anyone else?

Jschlatt.: Soo the rest only has to pay 1.5million, and the remaining of us are 9, It should be around 170k from each of us for the info.

Tommy.: If you give me an autograph Schlattsaurus I will throw in 200k.

Jschlatt.: I recon 2022. 8 of Sept will be a tragic day in UK.

Puffy.: Here Dream, have my 170k.

Wilbur.: Here's mine too Green-boi.

George.: *wakes up* where are we guys?

Quackity.: Are you serious George?

Sapnap.: Don't BS me that you were asleep the whole time.

Ellen.: Speaking of time, Can you gather that 4 million a bit faster. I can be here all day you know.

She's right. Though she has a smirk on her face as if she achived anything, while she was just sitting there like a disney priness with her legs crossed.

Dream.: *after collecting it from everyone* here it is. Soo can we spill the beans?

Ellen.: Thanks! This will be enough for me to buy that nice watch I saw the other day with that cute dress. *coughs* anyways..

After about 30 minutes she basically explained everything. Class Rankings, Special Exams, CP, CP reduction, ect.

Ellen.: So that's basically it. Does anyone have any question?

Tommy.: Coul-

Ellen.: I'm not repeating everything "tiny child-kun".

Tommy.: Hey!

Ellen.: Anyone else?

Wilbur.: So do clubs pay us monthly income? They didn't explain that to us.

Ellen.: Based on which club you join you can recieve between 40k-70k monthly OR 120k if you are in the Student Council.

Tubbo.: Adn How Muhc Aer yuo getting puyed?

Ellen.: 400k monthly. Though things in AHNS are around 25% cheaper then in outside and I recieve a free car along with a free apartman

 Though things in AHNS are around 25% cheaper then in outside and I recieve a free car along with a free apartman

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