8 - rip draco

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7th november, 1993
1108 words

recap:they called sirius padfoot

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they called sirius padfoot. like a dog. but then i remembered something else. animagus. i was hanging out with my own dad. my own criminal murderous dad.

the first month and a half went by fast and i was doing pretty well in most of my classes.

there many rocky moments; my fling with draco, my month-long argument with harry, snape and i's ongoing problems, my murderous dad, and harry finding out about moony's secret. but overall, this year was going to be okay.

i had made quite a few enemies out of teachers and students, but i enjoyed listening to teachers since i have a fairly good memory. when i was a lot younger, i couldn't read for the life in me. way past when i was supposed to have mastered it i just couldn't get it right. moony told me he went through very similar as a child but was convinced that i could learn the proper way. eventually i did learn but i still struggle with it sometimes.

potions never got any better, but i managed by staying with my friends and just ignoring malfoy all together. he was ignoring me as well though, which is probably a part of his punishment for the night on the astronomy tower.

i hadn't payed too much attention to divination, i swear trelawney is quite literally insane, and her class was in the astronomy tower, so i can't avoid that night at all. i knew i should probably figure out how to do the class correctly for the sake of moony since he loved the stars and i knew that some of that class could help me with his transformations.

but then came my most favorite day of class ever. care of magical creatures out on the great lawn with hagrid. my favorite class of his started with the average day of school...

"lillia, are you almost ready? it's time for breakfast." hermione called into the bathroom. there was a full length mirror in there that i had taken interest in recently. as i dressed, i stopped and turned to the side, looking at myself. i suppose i was a bit less active here, because i feel that i wasn't as lean as i had started the year being. i hadn't missed many meals this year so i decided that it wouldn't hurt to dial it down a little.

"yeah, i'm here." i distracted myself with talking to everyone and i don't think they noticed the lack of food on my dish. everything went smoothly in my morning classes, we went to lunch and i decided to not touch anything again and thankfully it was unnoticeable.

then, came care of magical creatures. today, hagrid took us to the woods and revealed a gigantic bird staring back at us.

"first you need to open your books-"

"and how the hell are we supposed to do that?" draco snapped, cutting hagrid off. hagrid looked a little hurt by draco's words, as i'm sure most are.

hagrid showed us how and he went to get the bird over to us, leaving draco to give us his unwanted input again.

"god this place has gone to the dogs, wait until my father hears they've got this oaf teaching classes." a few slytherins laughed at that one for a reason i have yet to understand. harry stepped toward draco to put him in his place. but a fearful look came across draco's face and he pointed to the sky behind harry. "d-dementor, dementor!"

our heads whipped around to see where the dementor was, there wasn't. but he was already cackling maniacally at harry's reaction.

hagrid called us back to the front and the animal came closer. "this is a hippogriff, now all you need to do is not offend 'em. who wants to give it a try?" we all stepped back, but i didn't see that harry had not. "good man, harry!"

harry's head whipped around to see that we had moved away. i mouthed an apology to him, but i knew that i really did not want to be closer to the hippogriff.

harry hesitantly came closer to the animal and followed the instructions by hagrid. the animal, that i now know is called buckbeak, wasn't reacting to harry at first but harry didn't step away at hagrid's command.

"i reckon he might let you ride him." harry's face fell. he slowly and reluctantly approached buckbeak again and finally climbed on. harry looked so small on the large creature and suddenly, he galloped forward and took off into the air. i followed him with mg eyes through the air as they looped around the castle and over the lake a few times. they came back down and draco stood expectantly next to buckbeak.

"you're not dangerous you big ugly-" buckbeak lashed out and his talons slashed at draco to get him away. "ah! it's killed me!" draco lay on his back clutching his arm with his eyes squeezed shut.

"get up, you're fine. it's a tiny scratch because you provoked him." i started, but hagrid stopped me and lifted him off the ground, carrying him bridal style to the hospital.

we were still laughing about how it happened a few classes later as we got to divination. a few girls huddled around him to ask if he was alright, but i tuned it out completely.

"today we will do some future-telling. not far, we'll just see the end of the year. get into groups at your tables and collect your tea leaves." ron, hermione, harry, and i began working.

after a lot of confusion and curses about trelawney from mione, we called her over for help. she pointed out a few random things for hermione and ron that anyone could point out like 'you will have a slight shock' or 'disputes between friends will arise' but harry and i's were what left me wondering.

"harry, oh you poor boy... you have the grim! the omen of death, you will be the one less child we end the year with! and lillia... every secret you ever kept will be revealed during a dangerous fight."

we left class without another word but i had to think about it. i pulled harry aside. "the grim is a big black dog. sirius is an animagus as a big black dog. and every secret i've ever kept, both of my dads and everything surrounding that. when is this happening?" we didn't have an answer so we didn't say anything for the rest of the night.

- 🎀💐🪄 -

i know this chapter is boring. i want to get it in. i just want to skip to the good stuff. so im skipping the quidditch game so i can add a patronus for lillia and harry before the actual night of it.

it will probably go like:
- patronus practice
- hogsmeade trip that harry sneaks on
- the truth
- the actual night
- then i suppose i'll skip to the end of the school year, have a chapter on summer, and school will start up again.

if you're reading this ilysm

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