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Looks as good as new. Hermione thought to herself. She hadn't seen Hogwarts ever since the war ended. She remembers the ruins, crashed and dusty place that had become of the school that day. But now it looked as if nothing ever happened. Just like the first time she got there. The nostalgic feeling rushed through her. She truly had missed the place, smell of books from the library and her classes.

She was surrounded by the rest of her classmates. Sound of hundreds of voices truly made it feel as if the war never happened. But scars that were left on her and many others remained. And there was no more tense feeling they had ever since her fourth year. Danger was gone. She knew it well and so did the others. She no longer had to worry about death, torture, or losing someone she loved in there.

"Feels like home now, doesn't it?" Ginny said, holding her friend by her arm. Hermione nodded to her "Yeah, it does." They walked with the rest of the group, following them into the Great Hall. It looked even brighter than it used to, or at least Hermione thought so. Candles on the ceiling were lit, and the sky was filled with stars washed with moonlight.

"The sorting ceremony should begin soon." Hermione noticed as she sat down. She already saw professor McGonagall, now the headmistress, preparing the Sorting Hat. First years were still nowhere to be seen, but Hermione remembered the procedure of first being met with basic rules before the ceremony began.

Ginny and her sat together at Gryffindor table. It was crowded with many others of their friends. "It's too bad Harry and Ron didn't join us" Hermione whispered. "Eh you know them. Ron's already started working with George and Harry... Well he's Harry." They laughed at Ginny's statement. She was right. Trio didn't grow distant, but they have changed a lot since the war. Harry still dreamed of becoming an auror, but decided to take rest of the preparation in his hands as usual. Ron wanted a job immediately and found a perfect opportunity when George offered him to work at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. As for Hermione, her plans were bigger, therefore she thought finishing the school is the best thing for her to do.

All the voices in the hall were suddenly interrupted as the door opened. Professor Flitwick walked in with the first years. Nervousness was visible on their faces and as one by one they got sorted into their houses the ceremony ended. After making sure the Sorting Hat was put back into its place, Mcgonagall stood up, making an announcement. She looked too much like Dumbledore at that moment. She greeted the students "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. As you may noticed, all the harm done to the school and the school grounds are now undone. However we do have a slight change in staff members. professor Snape, as you might know, will not be teaching this year since he is still healing from the major injury he got. Therefore his place, as the defense against the dark arts professor, will be taken by professor Lestrange."

Hermione's eyes widened as a small woman figure stood up. Bellatrix Lestrange, ex Death Eater, was sitting among other professors. Mumbles soon enough filled the hall. "Are they insane!? That bitch almost burned my house down and killed me!" Ginny exclaimed with a frown. Hermione couldn't even say a word. Shock was still within her. "Silence!" Mcgonagall yelled "I know you're aware of her status but I can assure you, she will harm no one. I can assure you she has been tested and is more than qualified to be a teacher. Now please, enjoy your meal" and with that she sat down.

Hermione lost her appetite. Suddenly she remembered that time in Malfoy Manor. The screams, torture, blood. All the things Bellatrix has done to her. And now she was stuck with her, had to be in the same place as her every day for the rest of the year. Just the thought was enough to make her shiver.

Bellatrix glanced over at students in the hall. She knew very well all the mumbles and whispers were about her at the moment, but she couldn't bring herself to care enough. All her life there were people talking about her, she's now used to it. Besides, they couldn't do anything to her. She could sense the fear of people around her. She could do it, for years now, ever since she was locked in Azkaban. In there she might not be able to do a lot but there was one thing she knew. Fear. It was strong, she could almost taste it. And she knew the fear of especially one girl. One peculiar girl whose fear and anxiety made all others feel like nothing. Her eyes were fixated on Hermione Granger.

After dinner students were sent into their common rooms. Hermione, still slightly shaken, barely ate anything. She dropped herself onto the bed the moment she got into her dorm. Mixed thoughts filled her mind. She was confused, scared, nervous. And so were many others. But they couldn't just expect the students to suddenly accept the fact that one of most dangerous Death Eaters, most loyal Voldemort's servant was now one of their professors.

Bellatrix looked through the window in her office. Tomorrow would be the first day she ever held a real lecture, not just to her sisters but to many young people. She wasn't nervous, no. But her thoughts were focused on the day as if she had been waiting for it her whole life. Then she heard a knock on the door. "Come in." she said, still looking out the window. A well known person to her walked inside "Excited for the first day of work, Bellatrix?" Mcgonagall asked. "Not how I would describe it." Bellatrix looked at her. "You know... students are not very happy about having you here. I have told them you are qualified but-" "Don't. It doesn't matter. They won't do anything to me. Eventually they will get used to it." Bellatrix interrupted her.

She meant every word she said. Even she knew it was hard for the students to forget her past. "Well then. I shall leave you to prepare... Goodnight professor" and with that Mcgonagall walked out, leaving Bellatrix alone in her office.

Author's note: hello fellow readers. You might remember my old "Professor Lestrange" fanfiction and you might be here because of it. I have decided to make it different this time and make the story make more sense so I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did the old one!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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