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As the game progressed, the tension between Ares and me only seemed to escalate, fueled by our mutual determination to come out on top. With each steal, each block, and each shot, the rivalry between us intensified, our competitive spirits driving us to push ourselves to the limit.

But as Round 2 began, I was determined not to let Ares get the best of me again. This time, I was going to outsmart him, to anticipate his every move and turn the tables in my favour.

With a focused intensity, I faced Ares once more, my eyes locking onto his as I called out his name. The surprise in his expression was palpable as I made my move, stealing the ball from his grasp with a swift and decisive motion.

But before I could celebrate my victory, disaster struck. In a split second, my feet tangled with his, sending me crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and curses. I braced myself for the impact, fully expecting to hit the hard gym floor with a painful thud.

To my astonishment, however, Ares was there in an instant, his strong arms wrapping around me as he pulled me back to my feet. For a moment, I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"You okay?" His voice was surprisingly soft, a hint of concern colouring his words as he looked down at me, his eyes searching mine for any sign of injury.

I opened my mouth to reply, to give voice to the confusion and frustration swirling within me, but before I could utter a word, he released me, sending me crashing back to the ground once more.

"Ow! What the fuck!" I exclaimed, the pain and indignation fueling my anger as I glared up at him from the floor.

I opened my mouth to reply, to give voice to the confusion and frustration swirling within me, but before I could utter a fucking word, he released me, sending me crashing back to the ground once more.

"Ow! What the fuck!" I exclaimed, the pain and indignation fueling my anger as I glared up at him from the floor.

But Ares paid me no mind, his focus already shifting back to the game as he seized the opportunity to steal the ball from my grasp once more. And just like that, the moment of vulnerability was fucking gone, replaced once more by the relentless drive to win at any cost.

As I picked myself up from the floor, brushing off the lingering traces of embarrassment and frustration, I couldn't help but fucking wonder about Ares's motives. What had prompted him to save me, if only to let me fall once more? And why did his concern feel so unsettlingly genuine, despite everything?

But there was no time to dwell on such questions now, not with the game still in full swing and victory hanging in the balance.

Feeling a wave of humiliation wash over me as people laughed at my fall, I shook my head in frustration and let out a heavy sigh. It was bad enough that Ares had managed to outmaneuver me yet again, but to have my shortcomings on display for everyone to see was a bitter pill to swallow. And to top it all off, they scored with Ares leading the charge.

I made my way over to Neuvi, seeking solace in the familiarity of a friendly face amidst the chaos of the game. His concerned expression spoke volumes as he asked, "You good? What happened there?"

"Yeah, I'm good," I replied, forcing a casual tone despite the lingering sting of embarrassment. "Just a little stumble, no big deal."

Neuvi gave me a sympathetic nod.

As I watched Ares's sweaty mouth move, formulating a plan with his teammate, a surge of adrenaline coursed through me. This was my chance to turn the tables, to make Ares pay for his arrogance and aggression. With a determined glint in my eye, I gestured for the ball, silently conveying my intentions to Neuvi.

Love's Triadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें