Part 10 - School chaos

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"Yeah, someone pushed me then the teacher yelled at me and forced me to apologize to that big guy" I said softly

"Well that's strange" my mom replied as she was still cooking

"Yeah, I don't even know what I did but I still apologized to him and everything"

"Oh, well maybe you can talk to the principal and tell him it was a misunderstanding"

"Okay, I will tomorrow"

I fell asleep

It's now Friday and the day of the special slumber party that I won't be going to, people are so excited for it and it's insane

I notice Cheryl as she's putting a book into her locker and smile at her "hey"

She looks over at me and smiles, her teeth are actually so white "hi"

"Why weren't you here yesterday?"

"Oh, it was my grandparents anniversary so my mom didn't want me to go to school"

"Oh, that's nice"


We continued talking until it was first period, Fridays are minimum days so we end school earlier

School eventually ended and we went home, as I was eating some leftover food my mom came up to me

"Sweetheart, we're going to celebrate your dads birthday tomorrow on Saturday because he's at work until 9pm today" she said softly

I quickly look up "really?"


"Are you sure??"

"Mhm. Why?"

I explain to her about to slumber party and she smiles and gives me a small set of a silk tank top and baggy silk pants then I grab my soft bed slippers and she drives me over to Lillian's party, it's 5:05pm right now

I get inside and vaniyah quickly runs up to hug me and I hug her back, Lilian just scoffs and rolls her eyes "whatever"

Everyone is taking snacks, drinking alcohol, smoking, or dancing weirdly, and some people are also sitting down and just chatting until someone else enters

It's Cheryl and she's wearing a tight fitted silk nightgown, she has the perfect body and everyone is staring at her making her confused

" I late?" She asked gently

"Um no! But you are ruining the party!" Lillian yells out at her "my boyfriend is here!"

Cheryl looks confused and shocked "I'm sorry...this is just the only silk clothing I have and-"

"Huh?? We're supposed to wear only silk" a random person asks

I look over at Lillian and she looks nervous "u-um...!"

"Lillian why are me, Mia, and Cheryl the only ones wearing silk in this WHOLE party?" Vaniyah asks, then she crosses her arms

It turns out Lillian was trying to set us up but it didn't work at all because now Cheryl is getting a ton of positive attention and so are us. Throughout the whole party everyone thinks Lillian is a bit strange for what she did

After some time it's time to play games. The first game is beer pong

"So who wants to play?!" Lillian asks happily and she waits for volunteers

Everyone just murmurs and people cleary don't want to play until 2 boys, Sam and Elijah come up to try and play

Sam ends up winning and Elijah drinks all the remaining beer, there's. 5 minute break before another game, the second game will be spin the bottle

It's now time to play and everyone is in a big circle, the first person the bottle lands on is..vaniyah, and it turns out hat her boyfriend, Ethan spinned the bottle so they just kiss each other.

Time passes and the bottle lands on me, and I end up having to kiss..Mason. Lillian's boyfriend

I obviously reject this, but Lillian laughs "so you ant to be a chicken and lose the game?"

I stare at her and I'm getting really annoyed with her whole attitude

"No, I just don't want to kiss your boyfriend" I said softly

She seems offended by that and almost slaps me "are you insane??! Why would you kiss my boyfriend you home wrecker!"

"I you heard me correctly you would know I DON'T want to kiss him"

She scoffs angrily then goes back to her spot and sits down

That game is over and it's now time for t or d. Penelope, a random person, goes first and the game continues until it's Lillian's turn

"Hm...Cheryl, truth or dare?"

Cheryl looks up then thinks for a second "truth"

" you like Mia romantically"

Cheryl is taken aback and she shakes her head, her cheeks are also a bit pink but she answers "no, I'm straight"

"Would you ever have sex with her"

Cheryl looks a bit uncomfortable ", what?"

Lillian rolls her eyes, she thinks she's lying "so you're homophobic?"

"No, of course not, I'm just straight"

"But you realize that if you're straight he you're homophobic?" Lillian asks, then she smirks

"I don't think that's how it works-"

"It's alright, I'll make a post for you saying that you're homophobic" she brings out her phone and everyone is quiet until I speak up

"Lillian, just because you're straight doesn't mean you're homophobic..." I said softly and she scoffed at me then the game continued

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