"I know, I know! It was just a in the moment thing, it just happened Zari! I don't know, okay!? I know I fucked up, my parents are gonna kill me!" She buried her face into her hands.

"It's gonna be okay Bri, okay? Have you taken any pregnancy tests or anything yet?"

"No," Brianna shook her head no. "I've been so scared Zari! What if I'm really pregnant?! A— and I was just drinking at my party 2 weeks ago!"

"Okay, okay, calm down. Look, I'm gonna go to the store and buy you some tests, okay? And I'm gonna get you some snacks, and medicine too."

Brianna nodded her head slowly.

"Thank you Zari," she threw her arms around her.


Azariah added some medicine and some of Brianna's favorite snacks to the cart before heading to the self-checkout, which she zoomed through quickly. She grabbed the Target bag and headed over to her car, a black Toyota Camry. Her grandparents had bought it for her just two months ago, and she absolutely loved it.

She tossed the Target bag into the backseat before sliding into the driver's seat. Placing the key in the ignition, her phone automatically connected to the aux, playing "Aura" by Mariah the Scientist.

Azariah strapped her seatbelt and headed back over to Brianna's house, which was just about five minutes away.

Once she arrived, she quickly unstrapped her belt, grabbed her keys, and retrieved the bag from the backseat. She wasn't even the one who would be taking the test, and her anxiety was on 10

Brianna spotted Azariah through the window and immediately opened the door for her. The two of them settled on the living room couches, enjoying the privacy of having the house to themselves since Brianna's parents weren't home.

"Okay, you ready?" Azariah took out the test from the box, glancing over at Brianna. This one test could easily change her entire life.

"Mhm," Brianna nodded. She knew she needed to take it, and she also knew she needed to be ready for whatever the results may be.

Brianna grabbed the test and a plastic red cup from the kitchen before heading over to the bathroom.

Azariah sat in the living room, nervously waiting for her friend to finish. Her mind was filled with thoughts of what the future would be like if the result was positive. How would Jordan handle it? She liked Jordan as a friend, but everyone knew he wasn't the most mature and responsible person ever.

"Okay," Brianna said as she opened the bathroom door, placing the test on the sink counter. "It says to wait three minutes."

"Zari I'm really scared," Brianna expressed her fears as she exited from the bathroom, joining Azariah on the living room couch.

"You're gonna be okay, Bri," Azariah tried to reassure her friend. "Look, the basketball game today is at seven. I think we should go, it'll help take your mind off things. Plus, Elijah and Jordan are playing too." She offered a small smile, hoping to lift Brianna's spirits and distract her from the anxiety she was feeling.

"Oh of course I'm going! It's the last first basketball game, since we're seniors now!"

"Mhm, and Elijah's mom is having some celebration at their house afterwards," Azariah added in.

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