everything goes not so according to plan

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" OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! YOU BASTARDS!" Luffy yelled in frustration.

" Um hello?! We have more important things to worry about here!" Inez yelled grabbing their attention.

" IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO YOU FOR MY LOVE?!" Sanji swood over Inez.

Inez was quiet, she seemed focused, her eyes were closed. " Inez darling are you alright?" Sanji asked concered.

No answer..... " Hey guys I think something is wrong with Inez. She's not saying anything." Sanji said to the others.

Brook and Luffy had finally stopped fighting and turned their attention to Inez and Sanji.

Luffy got close to Inez, her eyes still closed. " Hey Inez! Did you fall asleep?" Luffy asked.

" Blood manipulation!" She yelled.

" Huh?" The three said confused as hell.

Within seconds the soldiers began to fall, screaming out in pain that it was hot and burning. You could see their skin burning up, blisters covering their body. The three stood there confused and kinda grossed out by the sight. Finally everything went slinet and the men were dead. Inez opened her eyes and smiled. " Well now that, that's settled let's go!" She said cheerfully. The three shrugged it off not wanting to question what had just happened and made their way outside.

Btw the people that were in there all ran away and stuff.

Once outside the four were met with Nami, Chopper and Zoro. " You guys take em all out?" Zoro asked. " Yup sure did, but Inez did some kind of magic and killed them all." Luffy said while picking his nose. " Magic?" Nami asked turning her focus on Inez.

" I ate the blood blood fruit, I can control blood and stuff." Inez told Nami.

" Well I suggest we make our way to the ship and get those people out of here." Nami said.

Everyone went to the ship where the Sunny and the stolen ship was meeting up with the rest of the crew. " Hey guys!" Ussop yelled out to the others. Luffy slingshot himself to Ussop making both of them fall. " LUFFY WHAT THE HELL! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DOING THAT!" Ussop yelled at him

" Shishishi, sorry ussop!" Luffy said while laughing.

Ussop sighed and rolled his eyes, while Chopper and Luffy continued to laugh.

" Well what are we supposed to do now?" Zoro asked.

" We could tie that ship up to ours and get them to the nearest island and drop them off there? Or let them set sail on their own. I prefer we take them to the next island. But we need to get the hell out of here first. " Nami said.

" There's a cove nearby, no one really knows about. You could hide there." Inez said.

" Sounds great! Franky ready the ship!" Nami yelled out.

Everyone got on the ship tied up the other ship to the sunny while Inez guided them to the cove.

Once they got there everyone unloaded for dinner, the people got off the ship and thanked them for saving them. Sanji cooked chopper treated the injured, Luffy, Ussop and Franky played with the kids. The kids loved Franky cause he was a giant robot and they loved Luffy cause he could stretch.

Inez sat with Robin talking to her.

" So Inez tell me, what's your story?" Robin asked interested. Ever since Robin had met Inez she felt connected to her somehow, so she wanted to get to know her.

" Well how should I start. I'll just start from the beginning. But you tell me about you afterwards." Inez said. Robin replied with a smile.

" My mother, otherwise known as Killer Mai was killed by a celestial dragon. The one back there preferably and I dealt with him. But before we lived on a small island in the east blue for 7 years before someone who worked for the celestial dragon kidnapped us. Thankfully I was able to escape and the world government hated my existence and put an 82 million bounty on my head. They chased me for years, I jumped from island to island until I was 15 and I set sail to be a pirate just like my mom. Before she died she told me to be free and the only true way to be free was to be a pirate. And she was right. This is the happiest I've been since I was young."

Robin felt the same pain that Inez did. The loneliness and hatred she had towards the world.

' I suppose it's my time to share." Robin smiled.

" Yup!" Inez replied.

" Well our stories are very similar, for me I didn't know my mother until the day she died. Ohara, as you may know was obliterated and I am the only survivor. My aunt raised me but didn't do a very good job at it, she resented me. But I stayed with the archeologist and I learned so many things from them. Just like you I ate a devil fruit at a very young age and the townsfolk hated me even more for it. The day I met my mother was the day she died along with everyone else there. I promised to carry out my mother's will, she may have not been apart of my life but she was still the best mother in the world to me."

Inez heart shattered at Robin's story, they were very much alike. " What was your mother's name?" Inez asked.

" Nico Olvia." Robin answered.

That name, Inez knew that name from somewhere, but where? Then it hit her, her mother had mentioned that name before. Her mother had once told her that if anything were to happen to her to go find Nico Olvia, that she was a good friend of hers.

" My mother knew you mother!" Inez shouted excitedly.

" What?" Robin replied confused.

" My mother once told me if anything were to happen to her to find a woman named Nico Olvia, that she was a close friend of hers!"

Robin felt joy, she felt as if they were destined to met some day and today was that day.

" I see.... Well both of our mothers knew things they weren't supposed to. So I guess that only means they were close friends!" Robin smiled with joy.

" And now we must carry out their will!" Inez said.

Robin and Inez hugged tightly, as if they were long lost sisters. It made the two of them feel closer to their mothers. Knowing that they were the descendants of two women who knew everything about the world, and who were friends. They felt like sisters. Joy erupted through them.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

Word count: 1687

Luffy X Oc ( Blood Killer Akari x Luffy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя