Chapter 2: BroZone Reunion, BroZone Reuniting With Hya!

Start from the beginning

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Don't tell me, um... okay, you're not the heartthrob." Poppy said in thoughts

"Well, that's your opinion..." Branch's brother said

"The fun one? No, you're pretty uptight." Poppy adds

"Uptight?" Branch's brother said offensively

"Hmm. Not the sensitive one either." Poppy said

"Okay, a lot of assumptions for someone you just met 30 seconds ago." Branch's brother said

"He's John Dory then." Hya said as she chuckled nervously and awkwardly behind Branch

Branch's brother smiles in relief and adds

"The leader."

"Oh yeah! The old one!" Poppy said, ignoring what he said just now

John Dory gives her an unamused frown before sighing

"Wait, who are you?" Poppy asked when she realized someone else talked behind Branch

"Well..." Hya trailed off

John Dory looked over to Hya and immediately recognized her


"Haha... hey, JD, sweetie." Hya said and laughed nervously

"Wait, "Mom?!" Poppy said in shock, which also surprised Branch and looked at Hya

John Dory laughs before running towards Hya and suddenly hugs and tosses her

"Woah! It's so good to see you again!" John Dory said

"Woah! Okay! No tossing your mother around like that." Hya said in a joking way and laughs

"Wow, you still look the same! Still young as ever. Look, that's our mother, alright!"

Poppy gasped exaggeratedly and looks at Branch, her back facing John Dory and Hya

"Branch, how come you never told me?"

"Because it's complicated." Branch said

Jumping to conclusions, Poppy gets all sympathetic and pats his shoulder

"Oh, sweetie. Cuz you weren't in the band."

John Dory chuckled

"Branch was in the band all right."

"Which one was he again?" Hya asked to John Dory

"Bitty B." John Dory answered

"Oh, right." Hya said, remembering it

"Bitty B?" Poppy said, not believing it

"No, that's impossible. Bitty B had glasses."

"Oh, and a diaper." John Dory adds

Branch covered one ear and vocalizes to himself, getting their attention

"And a falsetto made of gold. Not that anyone cared. But that's all in the past. Because they stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back."

"Woah, woah, woah. That's not fair, Branch." John Dory said in his defense

"I did come back, but no one was there. It wasn't until I heard about you saving the world from the rock apocalypse that I realized that you were even still alive."

"Oh, that's--That's so sweet. He realized I was still alive. Twenty years too late!" Branch shouted sarcastically

Hya quickly steps in and pushes her youngest son away from his brother with Poppy's help, and went between the two

BroZone's Mom? (TBT [OC Insert])Where stories live. Discover now