
606 19 1

The story is about two persons
There love life ,family life
And there struggle

Arnav Singh raizada : he is one of the main lead of our story he is a Lycan next in line to be alpha but not yet he is actor from the childhood one of the leading actor nowadays he is in his 20's right now he is going to take a brake in his career to pursue his studies he has supportive family and supportive fans but you know fans are fans and he knows that he can't complete his studies in India peacefully so he is going abroad . He is a jolly and carefree person

Kushi agarwal : she is one of the main lead she just completed her 12th she is going to abroad for bachelor's (mainly to escape from bed of thrones ) her family is not supportive and she doesn't even have any friends she is going to abroad but she knows that she can't escape from her family completely she doesn't have her werewolf yet she and the whole family thinks she is week

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