Introducing my...

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Hanni pov:

We carry Lee Know to their room.

We lay him down on the bed.

I go to the bathroom and I get some band aids.

Han: Did you really do something-

Hanni: Han look at me.

I grab his hands.

Hanni: I don't like Lee Know, I like someone else and we weren't doing anything in the bathroom. We just talked.

Han: Okay, About what?

I show him my arm.

His eyes widens.

Han: H-Hanni y-y-you do s-s-s-self h-h-ha-harm?

I nod.

Hanni: That was the only thing we talked about, I promise. And I also fainted because you know...Hemophobia.

Han: You should get some rest then.

Hanni: Yeah.

I go up.

Han grabs my wrist.

Han: You can rest here if you want you know in case if Hyunjin is in your room.

Hanni: Okay thanks.

I lay down.

Han lays some covers over me.

Four hours later.

I open my eyes.

I look to my side and I see Han sleeping on Lee Knows chest.

Ha I'm so single.

Han wakes up.

Han: Hi guuuurl~

He almost whines while he stretches his arms.

Lee Know groans.

Han: Baby!

Han hugs Lee Know.

Hanni: Lee Know are you alright?

Lee Know: My head hurts a lot.

Hanni: I swear I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.

Han: I won't stop you.

Lee Know: Han listen.

He grabs Hans hands.

Han: Mhm?

Lee Know: Me and Hanni didn't do anything in the bathroom we just talked about...-

Han: Baby I know and I believe you.

He smiles.

Lee Know: And Hanni is your head okay?

Hanni: Yeah it's fine, Just a little headache.

Han: Wait didn't your head hurt like a lot last time that happened?

Hanni: Yes but I can hold it in.

Lee Know: Hanni don't hide your feelings.

Hanni: But I don't want anyone else to be bothered.

Lee Know: Hanni no one is bothered or will ever be.

Hanni: Stop lying.

Han: We're not.

I sigh.

I feel tears creep up.

My eyes widen.

No I can't cry.

I can't be weak.

Hanni: I should (sniffle) get going.

Skz 9th member Hanni (New jeans)Where stories live. Discover now