Ali: Hoho, today will be a fun day. *chuckles*

He entered the mall and immediately went to the shoes store first since he needed new shoes to upgrade. Next, he went to the tool store. He needed new tools to still update his new vigilante suit. He just really needs new stuff.

Ali put all of the brand-new tools on the counter and let the cashier check them out.

.....:That's a lot of tools there, Sonny. Are you sure you need this much?

Ali glanced at the cashier.

When he was pulling out his credit card.

Ali: Oh yea, I need these since it's for a school project, actually. Why else do you think I bought all of these tools?

The cashier seemed to believe him and shrugged it off. After paying for his stuff, Ali puts his new tools in his new black backpack that he bought last week.

Wow, luck must be really on his side today, and since he hasn't spotted any agents or the mentors or his enemies around.

Ali: A good day to a good start~ I knew it wasn't so bad to help that grandma and grandpa cross the street~ "*hummed*

Ali happily skippes around the mall and eventually finds himself the food court.

He soon entered the court and picked the farthest table away from the crowded people, and patiently waited for the waiter to take his order.

After a few minutes, a middle-aged woman comes to him.

Waiter: Good afternoon dear, may I take your order?

Ali: *looks at the menu* Good afternoon, ma'am. May I have the special Iced Cocoa with the gooey marshmallows and chicken satay. With the side of warm milk bread with cookies as deserts?

The lady just writes down his order.

Waiter: It's way past noon, dear. Are you sure you don't want something? Anything heavy to eat. You look very light for a boy your age.

Ali just gave her a comfortable smile.

Ali: It's okay ma'am, I'm fine.

The waiter just nodded and went back to the kitchen to do his order.

Ali looks at his phone while waiting for his meals to arrive. Gladly, his dad hasn't texted him yet, and there aren't so many people around him.

After a few minutes, the order came, and he thanked the waiter lady. Noting in his mind that he should tip her before leaving. *drinks the iced cocoa*

Ali: Ah... The best Iced cocoa ever! *eats the satay*

As Ali is enjoying his meal, by the corner of his eyes. He sees some new people entering the store and sits the farthest seats at the front.

Four adults and one child his age, and he sure as heck, knew who they were.

They are his uncle, Karya, Leon, Geetha, and Alicia.

They sat at their place and ordered their food. Ali kept his head low and sipped his iced cocoa.

Ali: Too much of peace, I guess - *rolled eyes*

Ali is quietly munching on his cookies and bread, minding his own business. He bet any of them would actually recognize him.

But hey, today is a challenging day, and his luck day. So why not, right?

Ali smirked to himself and continued to fill his tummy.

After finishing up his meal, Ali lay back on his chair for a while and looked back at his phone. There are no new tasks for now , and maybe he should start going back home now.

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