search for supply

79 4 4


i use the MM/DD/YY format

Author note


Also I'm realising I write in second point of view so yea
While Bobo walked away to go get some stuff you were just left alone with Jard who excused himself to "unpacking" so you kinda just stood in the living area, using this time to examine your surroundings you noticed how the windows were boarded off, the strange looking effect infront of the entrance (a barrier but you don't know that), really thinking about it you realise you didn't properly check the paper, digging back into your pocket you scan over the paper, the remaining time for the round saying 6:17
'so it was in minutes? Dang i was so close to winning- wait how long even are rounds'
Putting together the information of you have 12 wins, and its been 13 'rounds' but then again its been 7 days..? With your super good math skills you conclude there's 2 rounds in a day. How long even are rounds? you'd need a clock to check maybe- thinking back on how- "-/N" the sun wa- "Y/N"

you're quite litrally shaken out of your thoughts by Bobo shaking you by the shoulders

-"aaa- hUH huh- yea?" You take Bobo's hands off your shoulders

·"you kinda zoned outt, I mean it's either that or you like aggressively staring at walls- anyway I brought you something" while speaking that last bit he handed you a bag

-"thanks" you looked a bit through the bag, noting that inside was a few sodas, a flashlight and a radio?

·"the sodas give a speed boost" he added when you noticed them

-"really? That's interesting.. also I've been meaning to ask but how long are the rounds anwyay?" putting the bag on your back, it's suspiciously light for all that's inside it

·"oh they're uhh" *think* "-10 hours each, there's one hour after each for break or something, since there's minutes till that break I figured it would be a good time to go get supplies" he said lifting the garage type door

·"cmon let's go" he grabbed your hand lightly and started walking out

You realise this is a garage only now cause you never really turned around to face the door, on further inspection you realise you're in a house
'why not use the front door?'
Then you remember how YOUR front door got broken into

Breaking out from your trance you realise you're already out the base and being pulled along by Bobo

-"what time is it..?" You question because you forgot to ask a moment ago

·"it's 11:03, we're going to a store but I'm not sure where else we can check, any ideas?"

-"A pharmacy or a veterinary, they usually have the same medicine as pharmacies and people don't tend to check them."
((☝️🤓) (I like random knowledge)

·"that's actually a really good idea- let's go check those another time, I saw a store around this corner let's check the storage of it" He approves of your idea and shortly you arrive at the store which already looks half looted

Bobo is already heading to the back of the store so you decide to browse the snack isle, lucky for you most of it is still there since most people wouldn't consider snacks filling enough for the situation you're in, taking some snacks or candy bags of your choice you shove them in your bag, shuffling around to keep the stuff Bobo gave you on top of the snacks. You also went and grabbed some water, vegetables, tea bags cause why not, and honey cause it doesn't spoil. You found some sacks used for rice and moved the stuff you found into it, you also got another sack and put some actual rice in it (assuming you are able to boil water), scanning with your eyes there wasn't much else you could grab that was of use, finishing with grabbing stuff you thought was relavant you went to go get Bobo but he was already leaving the stock room

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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