Letters and Poems in the Drawer

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Ok, so most of these are super cute and sweet. Some can be interpreted as a bit... lewd in a way. And I guess they kind of are? So I guess;

Warnings: some mildly risqué poems. And Treech being a simp-

The boy I shouldn't miss
Because he was never mine. But I can't stop myself from imagining myself in his strong arms. Wearing the stupid hat he wears everyday cause I stole it. Can't stop my stupid lovesick thoughts of kissing him soon as he steps off that damn train. He's the boy I shouldn't miss, but I do. He's the boy I shouldn't be writing poetry about, but I do. He's the boy I shouldn't love, but I do.


I love like a dog. Not the cute puppy way, with eyes that plead for you to love me... but in the mutt way. Begging for even a scrap. Loyal to the bitter end. I love like a dog. Staying even when I know there's nothing but hurt ahead, I'll lay in my bed without so much as a whimper, hopin' you'll look at me with the scrap of love I beg for. I love like a dog.

Treech softly played with the corner of the paper and considered burning the piece, something about how vulnerable the piece was. He glared at the paper, as if it was the paper's fault he wrote all that. He put his head in his hands, and remembered how much you loved reading poetry. Especially the poetry that gave off so many feelings. He softly put it into the drawer.


Dear Treech,

You are not going to believe the audacity of this man. I mean, he's always been an asshole, but it pissed me off today. Festus Creed has been a pain in my ass since I moved here. He's always poked fun at me for being district, but I never paid him mind. Suddenly, I'm back in the class after summer break and he's flirting with me!!! Can you believe it, I mean seriously. Does he think I'm dumb? He plays with my hair in class and passes me notes I don't read. His hand writing and spelling are absolutely atrocious, so I wouldn't even be able to read it even if I wanted to. Anyway, I hope your day was great. Mine was. I got to punch Festus Creed in the face. It was during stage hitting practice, and I took the opportunity. I mean I started the waterworks and they all fell for it. Even Creed. I think Dean Highbottom knows... but he likes me, says I'm his favorite student, isn't that silly? I mean with powers like these? Life is crazy.

Sincerely, your friend,



There's a fine line between jealousy and obsession. I think I'm on the edge of it. I don't really know why. I mean I know you have friends. That doesn't bother me. It's... the way people look at you like they own you. Like you're already theirs. I might say that you're 'mine' but I know that you aren't something to own. I think... what upsets me the most is that you look like they've sucked any joy out of your life. You smile... but it's not real... I guess I'm just... I don't even know at this point.


He scribbled on the page and groaned in frustration, upset that his words didn't string together the way they usually did. He crumpled it up and threw it in the small bin he had before sighing. He picked it out and smoothed the paper, folding it and placing it in the drawer.


Dear sweet sunshine,

I've been holding the necklace a lot more recently. I have it hidden usually. Firstly so it doesn't get damaged, and secondly because I don't want anyone to try and take it.

I look at it and wonder if you look at yours. You know, that ring was my grandfather's. My grandma gave it to him as a proposal. Isn't that so cool of her? Said she wasn't going to wait forever for him to propose and did it herself. Well, grandpa gave it to me because dad didn't want to have the ring. He said I was to give it to my special someone when the time came. And even though it definitely won't fit you, I think it's cute. I mean, I'll give you your ring back and maybe it will count as that. We were much too young to be thinking of all that, I still think no one deserves it more than you. When you come back I'm making sure it's perfect and shined up.

Much love,
Treech /\


Dearest Treech,

Yeah yeah it's the first time I actually use your name in one of these. Suck it up buttercup.
You won't believe what some kids tried to do today. I mean I know Capitol kids aren't the nicest, but this goes too far. With all the fine things they have, they tried to take my necklace! Some of them tried to stop the others. Like Pup Harrington. He ain't mean I guess... never says much but doesn't step in. Until today. Asked them why they wanted my necklace when they had nicer things. I mean I guess that was supposed to be insult? I don't know. Hate Clemensia. She's so mean. Said that it might be nicer, but mine was one of a kind. Coriolanus, his name is a mouth full, said she was acting no better than a district kid. Was it mean? Yeah. Insulting? Above else. But it made everyone stop. Sejanus scoffed a sarcastic sentence about us district kids acting better than the Capitol kids. I mean the teacher stood there! She didn't do anything! I'm glad it's my last year with her. Next year, we start the last four years of Academy.

Anyway, just needed to rant about them. Love you!




I think about you. All the time. I try not to, you distract me. I mean, your dad makes so many public appearances, it's hard not to stare at you on the screen. You're gorgeous. So fucking pretty. Sometimes you talk, and your voice is so sweet... And I have to stop myself from thinking to much about it. I work alone most days, so I try not to get distracted. At night, when I'm alone in my room I can finally let my mind run and wander across everything. I mean it's stupid. I sit at my desk and try to write but end up fantasizing about you and I. What kind of life would we have? Together, I mean.


There's lots of things I've written I will avoid giving you. I don't want you to know that I've been thinking about you in any way that might scare you off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Love poems are one thing. The rest are thoughts and things I kept for fear of anyone reading them. If you asked me, I bet all it would take is one look from your pretty begging eyes, and I'd give in. Staring at the ceiling is pointless so I close my eyes and imagine you're here with me.


Oh my darling, I will never find anyone as wonderful as you. The things I wrote poems about will come to fruition with you. You are now and have always been the subject of my poetry. You make me swoon, and my heart race. Your words are saccharine sweet when I hear them in my head. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and you made it easy to talk to you. I am completely comfortable around you I want to give you all of me all that I am...

You blushed writing the last lines, hiding your face in your hands. Was it even right thinking of him like this? Did he ever think of you like that? Were you both thinking of each other at the same time when your eyes flutter shut?


I'd beg till my voice goes hoarse, if you told me to
I'd drop everything, if you told me to
I'd fall to my knees in second, if you told me to
I'd take anything. All the pain, all the pleasure whatever it might be, if you told me to
I'd listen to every command, every wish, every fantasy, and make it come true. If you told me to.
Because I want to be just yours. All that to say I want to be yours. Your darling, your sweetheart, your beau, whatever you want to call me.
Your boy, only yours
How could I ever want anyone else?

Hehehe imagine simping that hard couldn't be me anywayyyyy-

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