"Those were great times. We was in some fucking shitholes of places." He says sighing.

"I am genuinely sorry Zara." He sighs. "I had no limits and Veronica and I were just amping each other up. Pumped full of drugs and pills."

"I forgive you." I tell him. This was my old Zade and I would never want to lose him again. "So do you wanna tell me what happened?"

"Vee was out of control." He sighs. "About a few weeks ago, I decided that the drugs and shit wasnt for me. I got a job after a friend put me on. I paid off all my debts and invested my money wisely." He says and I look at him. "Flipped it. I wanted to show up with a sincere apology and show you I had my shit together..." He says.

"Vee just wasnt getting off the drugs. She was losing it slowly and she started to steal money from me to buy drugs. We had an argument about her crashing the car on drugs and then she tried to sell the car without me knowing... she came into the house high as fuck. We had this big fight and she started smashing the place up and as I tried to stop her I pushed her and she hit her head against the counter. She literally grabbed the knife and just jammed it into me."

"So what is happening with her case?"

"I have no fucking idea. I do not want her to be in prison thats what I do know." He says rubbing his eyes. "Its fucking horrible in there Zee."

"So would you get back with her?"

"No thats done. I need to close that chapter in my life." He says. "Im still stuck in the past. I need to be like you and start fresh and move on." He says and I chuckle.

"Are you referring to Benji?" I ask him and he chuckles. "Yeah... I have seen the other week actually."

"I havent seen him since the day we broke up." I say "when I was 18."

"Thats crazy." He says and I shrug. I met this other guy straight after who was a great rebound and that was it. A few months after that ended, my life changed by Kain laying his eyes on mine.

"How is the boyfriend?" He asks me. He seemed to have signed into his icloud and opened up his bank to show me. I go through it and see he was having a job and had hundreds of thousands in his bank. It all looked legitimate.

"Im proud of you Zade.." I say.

"So you avoiding the question?" He asks.

"He is fine." I say sighing. I pull my feet on the bench and put my head on Zade's shoulder. "Hes mad at me at the moment."

"Why?" He asks.

"He thinks Im too forgiving." I say and he chuckles. "You are." He says.

"Do not side with him?"

"One thing I am certain off, that kid loves you." He sighs. "And he doesnt want you hurt."

"Hmm." I say trying not to think of Kain because when we were on bad terms it made me sad. "Lets go get some food." I say. "I am starving. Since you have money now." He laughs as he slowly gets up.

The food was trash at the cafeteria so I head out and get us some food. Hannah comes and visits. She has been such a good friend it was unreal.

"Hey... the girl that beat me up." Zade says as Hannah walks in.

"Hey welcome back to the world of the living." She says as she throws her bag on the chair. "Outside this room, there is the hottest doctor on planet Earth." She says. We always spoke about Hannah having ADHD for sure. I laugh getting up as Hannah was holding the door open for me to see. He was pretty hot as fuck and looked at us a little confused as we was just staring at him.

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