chapter 23 - Juvenile

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Bang! The door was closed again.

Through the door, Sukuna could hear Gojo ordering the servants and guards to do their duties elsewhere to give him and his fiancee some privacy. When the coast was clear, Gojo got back into the room.

"Sukuna? What is happening? Don't keep that in your mouth. Spit out that trash," Gojo said in alarm as he walked to Sukuna quickly and knelt next to him.

Sukuna wordlessly let go of Yorozu's hand, leaving an absolutely flabbergasted Yorozu on the floor.

No words could describe how disturbed Gojo was when he saw Yorozu had her whole hand in Sukuna's belly. Why was Sukuna's kimono loose like that? How did Yorozu get her hand into his mouth? Why did Sukuna let this happen? Was he hurt? Oh God, was he drugged by that bitch?!

Gojo roughly shoved Yorozu out of the way. He immediately tied the knot of Sukuna's kimono back to how it was before and checked Sukuna over, looking for signs. Gojo spat out rapid questions, "How did this happen? Did Yorozu do anything to you? Why are you here? Is something wrong back home? Are you-"

Sukuna hugged him, giving him a gentle squeeze, "Calm down, Satoru. Nothing is wrong. I missed you."

Still a bit tense and worried, Gojo hugged back, burying his head in Sukuna's neck. He mumbled, "I missed you too, Sukuna. I should've come here the moment Six Eyes sensed your curse energy. I thought I was hallucinating because of how much I missed you and my lack of sleep." Gojo genuinely thought his Six Eyes showed him the wrong information. It wouldn't be the first time that happened, considering the unsolved mystery of the massacred villages filled with Sukuna's curse energy.

Sukuna sensed how tired Gojo was just by his tone. Sukuna didn't like that, especially when he knew Gojo's Six Eyes required lots of energy to function. Gojo needed his sleep and should take better care of himself. Gojo wouldn't be like this if it was just one night's lack of sleep. This meant that for the whole week during his mission, Gojo didn't sleep much and was overworking himself.

Sukuna caressed Gojo's hair, "What were you doing last night?" Sukuna would smack him so hard if he said he was too busy fucking to sleep.

Gojo glanced at Yorozu, who seemed to be too overwhelmed by everything. But he thought it was better not to mention Yorozu being the cause of his sleeplessness. Gojo didn't know what was going on between Sukuna and Yorozu when he walked in. He didn't want any more drama.

Gojo answered, "Nothing much. I just didn't sleep well." He hummed softly as he enjoyed the touches in his hair.

Sukuna noticed Yorozu wasn't mentioned. He frowned, "Because of your fiancée? Was she bothering you?"

Gojo leaned back in surprise, "How do you- You know she's my fiancée?"

"She told me before you got here. And I could guess it was your grandpa's doing. I can get rid of her for you."

"No. I'll find another way out of this marriage," Gojo said and snuggled back with Sukuna. Gojo knew Sukuna would try to get rid of her in questionable ways and that was not what he wanted. Urgh, so much was happening. He had just returned from a tedious clan meeting. He could already feel a headache forming.

Sukuna eyed Gojo in concern, "Satoru..."

"I know you want to help, Sukuna. But my whole clan focuses a lot on this marriage right now. I can't risk you getting involved with them in this mess. I'll handle this."

Sitting cross-legged, Sukuna gently shifted Gojo into his lap. Gojo wrapped his legs around Sukuna, settling in a more comfortable position in the embrace. He nuzzled against Sukuna and sighed softly.

(GoSuku) Kikufuku Mochi and KimonoWhere stories live. Discover now