Chapter One

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Hey, guys! Cosmos speaking!

So that was the prologue to City of Blood! Did you enjoy? Did it draw you in? I hope it did, or else I failed.

(Ps. If there was a bit of confusion, the prologue is not told by the main character at a different time. It was someone entirely different speaking in the distant past before this moment.)

Votes are great, comments are greater! If you liked the prologue and chapter one here, please let me know! I love to hear feedback!

Anyways, here is chapter one! Enjoy!

~ Cosmos


Alarm clocks were crafted by Satan himself. Every single last one.

I manage a noise between a grunt, a groan and a scream, flopping onto my other side and pushing down the covers from my face to glare at the stupid piece of machinery causing me hell.


I stretch my hand out quick and smash the snooze button hard, just to stop the godawful noise. It dies immediately, and I sigh and sink back into my pillow made from the finest feathers plucked off of a goose nesting in God's palace. Mind finally at ease, I slowly begin to drift away again ...

And the door is slammed open.

"GARTH!" Emily screams. My sister knows me too well to imagine I'd get up after the alarm. "Wake up! First day at our new schools!" She squeals like a piglet.

"How fantastic," I mumble into the sheets, drool escaping my lip and cascading down onto my pillow. "Wake me up when it ends."

"Don't tell me you're not excited, even a little bit!" She pouts, waltzing beside my bed and grabbing my torso, shaking me violently. I smack her hands away, sitting up and rubbing my eyes with a yawn.

"I'm getting up, Christ! No need to be rough ..."

"Garth Riggs, do not use the Lord's name in vain!" She says sternly, imitating our mother on a very precise level, but breaks out in giggles afterwards. Our parents may be Christians, but that doesn't mean we are.

"Alright, Em. I'm up. Go get ready or something." I shoo her away.

"Wait!" She calls frantically before leaving, a look of alarm on her face as she grips the doorframe hard.

"What?" I scrunch my eyes closed and back open, trying to make my vision less blurry. A tiny shard of worry stabs my heart.

"If we now live in New York, does that make us Yorkies?"

I blink once, then let out an exasperated sigh. "Get outta here, Em," I grumble, and she leaves the room with a mouth full of laughter.

With another groan, I pull myself out of bed slowly, nearly collapsing once completely standing. God, what I'd pay to just jump back in and sleep for eternity. Especially with all the anxiety building up from the fact that I'm going to a new school. As a very antisocial kid, I can officially say being around people is one of the hardest things I'll ever do. Being the new kid in a school is even harder. Half the kids are bound to be snobs, while the other half are just bullies thick and thin. There's no winning.

I strip off my black pyjamas, and grab whatever Emily put out for me last night; she knew if she didn't then I'd probably end up going to school looking like a clown. Without a second thought I slip into the outfit, and turn around to see myself in the body-length mirror.

"She's better at this than I am by a mile," I mumble disappointedly. Black skinny jeans and a pine green v-neck; well said, but simple for the first day. I, on the other hand, would spend three hours trying on everything until consulting Emily at the last minute because of how hopeless I am with fashion. When I'm in need of new clothes, Emily is always at my side to help me choose. She may only be 10, but she's got a definite path to go down for the future.

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