| A surprising meeting | Uranus x Earth |

Start from the beginning

Callisto : "Although gettting back to Jupiter was a bit of a hassle."

Luna : "How come? He isn't that far from the asteroid belt."

Callisto : "He was in the Kuiper Belt."

The three went silent.

Luna : "What do you mean by that?"

Callisto : "He's been having some problems lately, Saturn seems to know about it but he won't say anything."

Luna : "Well maybe we'll find out soon."

Neptune moons : "Io!"

Neptune moons then hugged Io. Covering the cheese ball.

Io : "H-Hey little Guys!"

Larissa : "We missed you!"

Galatea : "It's been a bit boring without you!"

Proteus : "Triton been talking about you a few times ever since we got back to Neptune!"

Io : "Oh..Really?"

Neptune moons nods.

Triton : "Calm down! Ugh..."

Callisto : "Trouble babysitting?"

Triton : "Yep. They've been with Neptune but since Neptune keeps disappearing or hiding they've been with me ever since." Pats naiad head "So how's it been since you know the revolution?"

Luna : "The solar system seems alot calmer. Sun is more calmer then before I guess. Earth is a much better planet than before!"

Triton : "That's good to hear. How's Ganymede and Europa doing?"

Callisto : "Europa has been more protective I guess. Ganymede became alot cooler."

Io : "H-Hey triton? Can y-you help me?"

Triton : Sighs "Guys get off him."

Triton leaves the conversation and goes to Io to help.

Callisto : "What now?"

Luna : "Do you like reading?"

Callisto : "Yeah, I think it's neat."

Luna : "Perfect then."


While the moons were chatting the planets were playing, Earth looked around and noticed someone was gone, "I think I'm going to stop this round. You guys can continue without me," Earth says calmly as he placed his cards down "You sure earth? You were finally winning." Mars says surprisingly. Earth nods and leaves the planets to their game, He then heads to the asteroid belt looking for the missing planet.

Earth : "Uranus?"

Earth carefully floated through the asteroid belt looking for the icy planet, he then heard humming coming from behind the asteroids. He moved some of them and saw Uranus painting on some asteroids.

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