Ch. 01: Invisible Touch

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Ch. 01: Invisible Touch

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The acrid tang of burnt ozone filled my nostrils, momentarily pulling me from the daydream scrawled across my notebook. Mr. Tanaka's booming voice cut through the haze of my inattention.

"Alright class, settle down! Today's experiment is a fundamental exploration of..." his voice faded as I wrestled with the malfunctioning stopper on my test tube. Violet Skye, queen of unintentional chaos, was about to strike again.

With a hiss and a pop, the stopper shot free, showering my lab partner, Alex, and me in a cocktail of emerald-green liquid. A choked yelp escaped Alex, and I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the sting.

Except... it never came. I opened one eye, then the other, blinking furiously. Alex, however, wasn't faring so well. He sputtered, swatting at his clothes where the liquid had splashed.

"Dude, what is this stuff? It feels like..." he trailed off, his eyes widening comically.

My heart raced in my chest. "Like what?"

He held his hand in front of his face, turning it this way and that. "Like it's... gone?"

Panic clawed at my throat. "Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"Look," he stammered, thrusting his hand closer. "My fingers! I can't see them anymore!"

My breath caught. Tentatively, I reached out and brushed my own hand against his. My fingertips met... nothing. It was like reaching into empty air. A cold dread seeped into my bones.

Mr. Tanaka, alerted by the commotion, lumbered towards us. "What's going on here?" His booming voice echoed through the lab.

"I... I don't know," I stammered, my voice barely a whisper. "The experiment... Alex... he's..."

Suddenly, a loud crash from the back of the classroom ripped through the tension. We both whirled around to see a bookshelf teetering precariously, textbooks tumbling to the floor. Before anyone could react, a figure, blurry and indistinct, darted out from behind the bookcase, snatching a vial from a nearby table. The figure, cloaked in an impossible-to-describe shimmering distortion, was gone before Mr. Tanaka could even blink.

My mind reeled. Was that... me? Invisible? But how? The emerald liquid... the experiment gone wrong... a strange, exhilarating power coursed through me.

Mr. Tanaka, oblivious to the invisible acrobatics that had just transpired, was barking orders, herding the bewildered students towards the door. The confusion was a perfect cover.

As the classroom emptied, I slipped out the back, my heart pounding a frantic tattoo against my ribs. Invisible. Me, Violet Skye, the girl who perpetually blended into the background, was now invisible. A nervous giggle escaped my lips, a giddy mix of fear and exhilaration.

The hallways stretched before me, an unfamiliar landscape suddenly brimming with possibilities. For the first time in my life, I wasn't invisible. I was unseen. And in that newfound invisibility, a strange sense of power bloomed within me.

The school halls thrummed with the usual pre-lunch chaos. Laughter echoed in the distance, punctuated by the rhythmic squeak of sneakers on polished floors. But for me, the world had become a silent movie. Invisible, I was a ghost in the machine, a phantom sensation brushing past oblivious students.

The excitement I felt earlier morphed into a chilling awareness of my isolation. I couldn't touch anyone, couldn't high-five my best friend Chloe, or even grab a cookie from the vending machine without causing mass panic.

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