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The wedding between the Montgomery girl and Shelby boy, was happening today, gracelyn sat up in bed listening to the sounds of the birds chirp, today was the day she'd leave her family and Join a completely new family and start a new life with her new husband, it seemed weird that just two days ago she was living her life how she Normally would but that all changes today.

Adelaide slowly climbed out of bed and walked towards her mirror she looked at her reflection, he hair was a mess and her makeup from yesterday was still on and smudged, her bedroom door opened as she walked towards her vanity her mother held the door open as 5 women entered holding multiple items,Adelaide watched as the women all unloaded all the things they were going to use, the dress was set up on the wall gracelyn looked at it as she began to feel nervous she closed her eyes breathing in and out before opening them again when she felt her hair being brushed and tugged as 2 of the women stood on either side of her both of them concentrating on there job at hand.

Adelaide looked in the mirror at her hair that was all done up and styled it had taken a while but it was done, she stood up as another women came over slowly taking her dress off, they gave her stockings to put on and she sat down in her bed as she pulled them on, she put her bra on and Adelaide stood back up as her dress was brought towards her, the dress was beautiful it had flower shapes all down the sleeves, Adelaide stood with her arms out as the woman pulled the dress onto her body, placing her hands in the sleeves, the fabric felt nice against her skin, she felt a smile begin to tug at her lips but looked down not wanting to show her mother that she was happy, she wanted her mother to feel bad so she played the part and acted unhappy, even though a little bit of her was happy.

The dress felt good against my skin, I stood waiting outside as my mother and father stood at the door way fixing his tie, "come on mother we're gonna be late" her sister yelled as the door of the car was opened, the car had a fabric wrapped around it with a flower displayed on the front, Adelaide walked over to the car as her maid lifted up her dress behind her, her vail lay over her face as she held her hands infront of her fidgeting, her mother and father both climbed into the car sitting before her as both her sisters sat beside her, this whole situation felt nerve racking to Adelaide, everything was going so quick, as she looked at her parents her mind began thinking about what her life is gonna be like in the future, would she be like her parents? Or would she be happy and enjoy everything that very girl should enjoy? But life never warns you on what's to come, you just have to live through it, so that's what Adelaide did she stuck to life and lived through all the bad and good times, today was neither it was a day that was going to change her life forever.

The drive to the church was long and nerve racking, it felt like it dragged on forever, Adelaide looked out at the church as she saw a range of cars all around the car park, she waited a little while as both her mother and father stood up, they both got out the car as they walked towards the church.

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