|| Volume 1, Chapter 3 || ''The Robber Barons''

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"There's been a string of robberies as of late. At first, I figured I would let the police handle it, but the crooks have continually gotten away, hitting bank after bank after bank. An outside agent relayed that their next heist target is in the Trinity neighborhood. He said their most likely target is the Bank of America. I can't trust the police to handle this. I need my squad on it." Thomas explained, looking at the group. "We'll handle those chumps." Barry said with a grin, going to get his equipment.
"We'll do our best, Mr. Kennedy!" Kali said excitedly, going to fetch a few weapons.
"Consider it done, Thomas." Argile said, walking to her room to get her backpack.
"I won't fail you, Tom. You have my word." Aurora said with a serious tone, Thomas smiling.
"Aurora, come now. Don't let all of this take away your go-get-her attitude. It's one of my favorite things about you. I trust you over all of my agents. I know you won't fail me." Thomas said with a comforting expression, Aurora smiling.

The others returned. Kali had a bag full of small firearms, should they need them. Argile had a protective vest under her shirt, as well as a notebook which she was reviewing, which was chock full of guides on how to handle criminals, and Barry had a tablet with hacking devices. Aurora had her two sidearms in case things went south, and so, the group headed outside where they waited for Daniel. In a few moments, he drove up, and the agents got in. "Hey Dan! I'd like you to meet-"
"I know who they are, Aurora." Daniel interrupted Aurora, smiling at Argile, who smiled back. "What, you thought you were the ONLY agent I ever drove from place to place? I'm a driver for the friggin' FBI, Aurora. If I only drove YOU around, I'd probably be getting overpaid." Daniel said while Aurora crossed her arms, Kali chuckling.
"Let's just go already!" Aurora said impatiently, Daniel driving off towards Trinity. "So, you guys got the hunch about the guys targeting banks in Houston?" Daniel asked aloud, Aurora nodding.
"Yeah, and we're gonna stick it to 'em, too! If, you know, they're actually there..." Kali said, trying to sound more confident.
"Heh, well. You guys'll have your hands full. These guys mean business. From what I hear, they don't like taking chances. If you're spotted... You know what could happen." Daniel explained, Argile taking a breath.
"It won't come to that. This might be our first mission together, but I believe we can do this! Right, gang?"
"Yeah!" Kali said in excited agreement.
"We'll show 'em!" Aurora also agreed.
"Eh, if not, it's been a slice," Barry said as he pulled out his laptop, "but more likely than not, yeah." He added.

After about thirty minutes, they arrived at the Bank of America. Daniel backed up into an alleyway facing the bank, and turned the engine off. "And now, we wait." Daniel said as he pulled a magazine out of his dashboard and began reading. Aurora turned to look at the others. "Alright. Uh, Barry! If you could get to the teller's area and keep watch of the security cameras, we could catch the crooks by surprise." Aurora said, Barry already pulling his laptop out.
"Actually, I was planning on staying in the car and trying to tap into their radio frequency, so not only would we see them coming, but we'd know what they're planning. Plus, I'm not a security guard. I doubt they'd let just anyone into the office." Barry explained,
"Oh, uh. Alright, sure," Aurora replied, turning to Kali, "if you could stay here and check all the weapons and make sure they're all primed and ready-"
"Uhm, actually..." Kali interrupted, "Getting the weapons won't take long at all, maybe like... A few minutes at the longest. So, I could just keep lookout from the car! If you're okay with it." She explained, another member that seems to already know what they're doing.
"Alright, that'll be fine. And Argile," she turned to Argile, "Could you go to the vault to guard it in case they sneak in through a backdoor or something?" She asked, Argile looking confused. "I'm sorry, Aurora, but I would assume a bank would already have guards protecting any potential vault. What I was thinking of doing was staying on the inside and just keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious." She explained, getting her notepad.
"Oh. Alright then! Looks like everyone, uh, knows what they're doing. I think I'm gonna do a stakeout on the roof of the bank, so I'll see if they enter through the front entrance." Aurora said, Kali smiling at her. "Alright. Places everyone!" Aurora added. Kali began rummaging through her bag of weapons, making sure they were all ready. Barry started typing on his computer, searching for any radio frequencies he could tap into. Argile go tout of the car and walked towards the entrance to the bank. And Aurora headed for the bank, too, looking to find a fire escape heading towards the rooftop. And Daniel, just kept reading his magazine.

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