25. Partly Cloudy, Chance of Rain

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Partly Cloudy, Chance of Rain
Season 8 x 08
November 2001:

"jesus christ it's pouring out there" i smiled, closing my umbrella.
"glad you're here" mark grinned, handing me a yellow trauma gown
"where are we going?"
"up to the roof"
i let out a groan
"you'll wanna put this on too"
i put on a rain coat over my trauma gown.
"what patient is this?"
we were in the elevator
"six year old kid drowned"
"how cold do you think the water would be?" he added
"below zero at least"
"here we go" mark smiled as the elevator doors opened.
"is it pac?"
"no, assist the whole way here"
"okay, thank you" mark shouted
i began bagging the boy.

"let's get an intubation tray" i shouted
my hair was soaking wet now.
"gianna" abby shouted
"abby, im in the middle of a trauma"
"carter wants you"
"can it wait?"
"i think you should go"
i looked at mark and he nodded at me. i left the room.
carter was waiting at the admit desk.
"gamma came in again"
i went wide eyed "what happened?"
"she was driving and hit a girl and her dog"
he looked down
"she broke her hip"
i was speechless
"i don't know what to do" he smiled
"she's up getting x-rays"
"begging me to go home"
"are you gonna stay the night with her?"
"i think so" he nodded
"i'm sorry john"
he shook his head
"want me to come up and see her?"
"sure" he shrugged

i walked back down the stairs.
gamma didn't look so good..
she told me to go back down and dry my hair before i catch something.
i didn't have time to dry anything, though.
"did you find some money for cleo's party?" frank asked
"no" i groaned
cleo was officially leaving today. nobody was that thrilled about her surprise party, either.
"hey, gianna, there was a ambulance mva at a sight, it's not looking good" frank said
"you're kidding, right?" i groaned
"weaver and gallant are on the scene"
"looks like they're coming this way, though"
"i'll make sure the trauma rooms are prepped"
ironically, carter and i were fixing up a girl who got hit by a car, by gamma.
"did you lose consciousness?" carter asked
"no, i just remember a car hurting gordon and i"
"bp is 100 over 40"
"dog got" she cried
"he got hit"
i put in an iv, hanging saline up.
"is he okay?" i asked her
"my dog is dead" she cried, i gave carter a sad look.
he looked guilty.
"do you know how what boy is doing?" i asked haleh as she came and grabbed a tube from the room
"not so good" she shrugged
"alright, you'll be okay, sweetie" i hushed, stroking her hair.
"breath sounds are good" carter said
"is this the hit and run?" a police officer asked
"god, he didn't stop?" haleh scoffed
i gave carter another look.

"daniels test came back positive for marijuana" abby smiled
"yeah, parents aren't too happy"
"and they still haven't found the younger one?"
"how was that little girl?"
"she's stable"
"getting a ct" i nodded
"hey, gianna, we got another trauma coming in"
"is this night going to end?" i groaned
"what is it?"
"electrocuted firefighter"
"you're hair is still wet?" susan laughed
"yeah" i sighed, running toward the trauma room.
i tied my damp, frizzy hair up into a ponytail.
"you think things have finally calmed down?" abby asked
"i hope" i smiled
"how's the boy?"
"mark thinks he'll be fine"
"what about your girl?"
my girl crashed and nearly died a half an hour ago..
"susan and carter saved her" i nodded
"poor kids"
"yeah" i sighed
"we found our who the thief of the er is" she grinned
"really?" i smiled
"she even lied to luka" she cackled
"bad day all around, huh?"
"guess so"
"there's another minor mva patient coming in" frank said, abby let out a laugh.
"so i guess the bad day isn't over yet"

Goodbye KissTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon