Nineteen || Weapons

Start from the beginning

Not long, you all arrived at a location with stones spread everywhere and naturally growing mossy rock walls surrounding it.

It was a cemetery.

In the center of the vast area stood a hilltop covered in gravestones. Each of them represented a single person using a unique symbol.

On top of the hill, however, lies a unique gravestone that was brightly lit by moonlight.

"This is the village's cemetery." Ruri softly introduced, bowing her head at one of the graves, "It is said that our founders, Byakuya-sama and the crew, were buried here."

"They have been dead for 3.700 years." Senku shrugged his shoulders carelessly, "Even if the story was true, you won't find a single bone."

"Here's the message Byakuya-sama wants you to know..." Ruri began to speak, but you could swear that you could hear that fucking bastard's voice through her voice.

"Hey there, kids! Senku, (Name), if you're listening to this story it means you've broken out of the stone Maybe thousands of years from now. I'm doing great. I mean, I'm already dead by now! Honestly, I feel like I'm living in an adventure genre anime. You know what I mean, right, (Name)? Just as promised, I got you some souvenirs. The friends that the Hundred Tales will connect you with."

Ah, shit. Your eyes are starting to brim up with tears.

"The post-apocalyptic world was pretty fun, actually. But with science and the help of your new friends, I know the two of you will make the world as fun as it was before the collapse; Until everything returns to normal, until anime starts to appear once more. The two of you won't lose this fight! You two will even rebuild everything from scratch if you have to and save all of humanity, right? I know that with the two of you together, you can do it. After all, you two are partners in crime." Then, Ruri concluded the message with a sad look.

She understands what it's like to get a message from a loved one who has passed away.

The pain was unpleasant.

It was very hard not to cry.

Quickly, Ruri realized that the atmosphere had drastically changed and made the decision to leave.

"I'll... be at the village with the others."

She began to turn around and walked away from the two of you, giving you a soft tap on the back; 'Let it all out.'

This isn't fair.

"Ahh, I can't wait to return from this outer space mission and see the two of you dating. Oh! Maybe you two would get married as a surprise for my return! HAHAHAHA- Ouch! OUCH! Yeah, okay! Fine!! Jeez... You know that you two don't have to hit me, right?"

'This isn't fair.' You bit your lip, unable to resist the urge to let your weak knees collapse.

He wasn't the father you had, no. Of course, he wasn't.

But, you already consider him to be family. Whenever your grandfather was too preoccupied to be in sorrow, he was there to lighten the mood.

The feeling of sadness weighed on your chest, letting the thought sink in that Byakuya really trusted you just like how he trusted Senku. He even told his crew about you, just like he did with Senku.

He's such a bastard, really, leaving you and Senku all by yourself in this Stone World. How could he cause you to lose another person you love the most in your life — him?

"So that was thousands of years ago now, huh? Back when I was still alone in the dark, just counting hundreds and millions of seconds." Senku's low voice echoed close to you.

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