¹¹ ⍴rᥲᥴ𝗍іᥴᥱ mᥲ𝗍ᥴһᥱs ᥲrᥱ sᥴᥲrᥡ

34 3 19

(This chapter is written from Atsumu's POV)

A week has passed and today was the day on which the practice match was scheduled. Y/N told me it would be scheduled for later that evening so people were able to watch after their own club activities have ended. Which is exactly what I did. I even planned on dragging my brother along.

„Is anyone watching the trainings match of the girls?" Our captain spoke up and asked. „Well, I planned to. I haven't seen them play in a long time. Now that last year's players are gone I am questioning who is replacing them." Aran spoke up. „Me too." Suna agreed. What got Suna to go and watch their game?! He's normally the first to sprint out of the changing room and leave school grounds. „Me too." I stated truly. „I'm gonna tag along then I guess." Osamu added. „Nice to see you guys' support." That would be more people than I expected. The more the merrier. 

„Tsumu, is she improving?" Osamu asked me quietly as we left the changing room. „She is doing amazing. To be honest, I kind of glad I decided to help her." „Oh really?" He smirked. I just rolled my eyes in response. „It's fun and she is nice." „Oh reallyyyyy?" I slapped him hard on the back. „Shut up and see for yourself later." He snickered lightly.

As soon as we entered the other gym we could here balls hitting the ground and people jumping. They were already warming up. My teammates and I sat down on the benches. „The setter seems familiar." Aran stated. „Thats Y/N, the girl from the restaurant." Osamu explain. „She always comes to our class to speak to the girl back there." He pointed at Mika. „Is she any good? She wasn't their main setter last year if I remember correctly." „She is." „Huh? What did you say, Atsumu?" „I said she is good." „Wow, are you friends or sum? You never say that someone is good! You're standards are normally over the top!" „Well, she is good. See for yourself." I was confident she wouldn't disappoint my expectations. Aran looked confused by my answer but I did not care. She had improved. A lot. I was hoping she would try the float serve we had practiced several times since it was a practice match but of course it was up to her if she was willing to do so.

Y/N was setting flawlessly. She was having a really good day. I was... proud you could say. „Nice one, Y/N!" Mika shouted. „Yeah, nice one Y/N." I whispered to myself. Suddenly I had an elbow in my side. „Samu, stop that shit." He just smirked. „Look at that. The boy who did not want to teach her is now acting all proud of her achievements." „Oh shut yer trap." He snickered. I was desperately trying to fight the urge to punch his ugly ass face.

Both coaches called for their teams to come to discuss a few things before the actual match. The other school seemed to have brought a licensed referee and a few fans with them. On our side there were a few people from different clubs. Oh course, the boys from my team but I could make out a few others like boys from my class. They looked like they were in a deep discussion. I started listening in on their conversation.  „You know her ass looks really good in this." Okay, what the actual fuck. „Yeah, boy! This uniform is so sexy! We have the best view. We should watch more of their games." Ewwwwww. Something's gotta be wrong with their brains. I tried to stop listening in on them but they were so freaking loud. „That girl with the pony tail looks seriously really good." Did they mean Mika? Could be. She is good looking but not my type to be honest. Too blunt for my taste. „Nahh, the one with the braid looks better!" „The one that just attacked?" „Yesss! I heard she is a third year." „Well, you've got no chance then." „True, but I also think the setter has a really good figure. She'd definitely would look good next to me or beneath me." The ugly ass snickered. Urgh. Disgusting idiots. „Calm down, Atsumu. That pissed face of yours is really ugly." Suna who had noticed my disgusted look, commented. „Let them talk. They're idiots."  „They're not even here to watch the match just to judge the players on how good they would be in bed." I argued back. This perspective of women just enraged me somehow.  And why are you even watching if you don't appreciate the sport?? Except for Suna and me no one seemed to have noticed their attitude.

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