Chapter 0: Genesis

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So, you're asking me to choose between the past, the present, or the future?
Initially, my inclination probably leans towards to the past; those were the days that everything was still normal.
I was just an average guy, living in a peaceful world, someone who's oblivious and didn't care to what was going on around me.
I think one should find contentment in such simplicity, shouldn't they?
What? Do you find that is boring?
Yeah, I know that feeling—yearning for something thrilling to happen in our lives. A dilemma is when and where we are required to do something, the surge of adrenaline, and the excitement of uncertainty and unpredictability of things.
Of course, I know everyone harbors a desire to play a hero or or they want to at least experience the taste of such adventures in life.
But trust me, you wouldn't want that. The path is not for the faint-hearted,
If you struggle to maintain your daily workout routine , how can you even aspire to face situations that demands more from you, when you can't even be consistent to do a single bench press everyday?
You wouldn't want to know the toil and struggles I had to endure just to feed and shelter myself, doing everything just to secure a moment of respite amidst chaos.

Hence, for me, staying in the past is much better; you don't have to think about anything else; no one will bother you; you can just do nothing and procrastinate. As long as you get your everyday necessities, that's already enough.

However, human as we are, slaves and beholden to time, tethered to the present, and propelled towards the future. We cannot stop its flow, so we have to follow through; we must step forward. As the world changes, you have to change too.

I have no option but to adapt, persist, and work harder than anybody else. The world was testing me; there's no escape, there was no option to run away. Just like where your head goes, your body goes. Your actions follow your thoughts, and your scent lingers where you tread. When given a task by your parents, it becomes your duty to fulfill it. And when you are questioned, you are ought to respond.

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