First day

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Haechan is laying on his bed playing some games. who care if the school start tomorrow he want to greet his roommate first to make some new friend. around midnight his door finally crack open revealing his new roommate that he is really excited to me-

haechan's bright smile suddenly drop when he recognize who his roommate is.

"great. run from one asshole just to meet another"haechan mutter as he throw himself back on the bed in disappointment

"no offense but what the fuck are you doing here lee donghyuck. my roommate supposed to be some guy name renjun or something" mark take off his shoes and make his way to his desk

"we switch room obviously?"

"why and how? i thought you hate me so why switch room to be with me."

"i wouldnt say i switch room to be with you when jun dont even know that you are his roommate and if we dont switch room you wouldve lose one of your so call best friend"

"jaemin?" mark raised his eyebrows and haechan nodded

" as for how... i caught the principal giving head to his boyfriend so hes probably embarass and let us switch in hope we wouldn't tell a soul"

"eww! i dont need to know about my brother sucking his husband dick" mark scrunch his faceo as hes taking off his jacket

"you ask for it. Also why are we so calm. I was expecting us to start screaming at each other like those too" haechan ask the man who's now shirtless ready to flop onto the bed

"I'm tired and drunk"

"I thought you hate me and ew shower before you get on your bed"

"I do and I'm too lazy for that"

"At least wash your face and brush your teeth you disgusting drunkard"

"Suck my fucking dick" mark flip the other man off a he drift into his own dreamland

"Unhinged piece of shit" haechan mutter as he close his night light getting himself to his own dreamland too


"Sorry hyu-sir!! I overslept" as haechan was sitting in his class peacefully listening to the professor that he can recognise a loud bang was suddenly heard catching everyone off guard and haechan grow even more confused

"Mark it's the first day and you're late?"

"I know I'm sorry sir." Mark bowed to the professor

"Go sit down. And don't kill each other" the professor said as he look at the class seats only haechan's row have one seat available there's a few girls and haechan so mark goes near the girl with short hair to ask if she can go sit near haechan so he can sit in her seat

"Ew no I don't want to be near man. Including you" the short hair girl scoff as mark just mark to the seat near haechan not saying a word

"As I was sayingggg, my name is Jung jaehyun im your professor obviously. As a starter project I would like all of you to make a mini program or robot. Do whatever you like. Just make it presentable enough to me. You have two weeks. Any questions?"

"If you don't mind sir why are we doing this?" A boy from the back off class ask

"So I can see what I'm working with before teaching you guys. Class dismissed" and just like that the professor left the students also left while some are discussing about to do

"You dont play volleyball anymore?" Haechan ask the man next to him who's getting ready to leave

"I could ask you the same. Don't you have to practice with your friends preparing to copy other groups move"

"Geez I'm just asking nicely no need to answer like you have a stick up your ass" haechan rolled his eyes

"If you shut the fuck up YOU will have a stick up your ass instead of me" mark glare at the younger man and walk off

"What an asshole"
haechan mutter while making his way back to his dorm to get ready for another class that he's been waiting for since forever


"Le! Hurry up! We're gonna be late" haechan was practically banging on the door of his friend room not giving a single fuck about the other person that is in there too

"I'm coming!" Chenle shout back while putting on his shoes also ignoring his roommate

"How was class hyuck?" Asked jeno who's looking at his friend who seem to be more quiet than normal

"Shit. The professor just give us an assignment and fuck off. Good thing though that fucking mark lee is in my class so I don't have to see him when we practice!" He smiled blindly

"Orrr he could be taking double majors like you" chenle peek his head over the older's shoulder

"Can you not ruin my dream. Oh look we're here" haechan mouth that dropped for a moment come back into a smile when they arrive at the gym only to be dropped again when they go inside and see who are already in there

"What the fuck are you doing here. Aren't you in computer science" haechan stomp to the man that's tying his shoe on the bench

"You're not the only smart one in this whole damn school. I can study whatever I want" mark doesnt need to look up to see who's talking to him

"You- "

"Alright kiddo are all of you here" haechan was interrupted by a recognisable voice that lighten up his mood instantly

"Johnny hyung!!!!" He run up to hug the man that's just walk through the door

"What's up hyuckie" Johnny effortlessly catch the younger man that suddenly throw his body at him

"Why didn't you tell me you are teaching here? Is taeil hyung here too?" Haechan finally pull away from the hug

"Because I just got in this year and no he's still at your old school coaching your juniors" Johnny walk in as the others already get in line ready to greet their new coach

"What's with the mood today man?" Johnny ask the blue haired man in English

"Jaehyun being an asshole as always " mark reply and Johnny just laugh

"You know him hyung?" Seeing the two talking to each other peek haechan's curiosity

"Yeah we hang out sometimes"

"You hang out with kids hyung?" Chenle turn to ask

"You said it's like I'm old. I'm 29 not 40" Johnny rolled his eyes
"Let's get serious. Go line up hyuck"


I hate you -markhyuck Chensung NorenminWhere stories live. Discover now