Venom welled up in Beatrice's eyes as she looked back at him. "I miss it too, Carlisle. But... things have changed. I don't know if we can ever get back to where we were."

Carlisle squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We won't know unless we try, Beatrice. I love you, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us."

Beatrice's resolve wavered as she looked into Carlisle's eyes, seeing the sincerity and love reflected in them. "I love you too, Carlisle," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. She shook her head, "But I can't..." She quickly pulled her hand from his.

Carlisle froze, those words, shattered him on the inside, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"You think you can just walk back into my life and everything will be fine?" Beatrice argued, her anger igniting like a fire, "Do you even understand what you did? How much did it hurt me?"

"I know I hurt you, Bea," Carlisle sighed and ran his hand through his golden locks, "And I'm sorry. I left because I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. I needed you to be safe," he tried to argue back with excuses. Excuses that Beatrice was unwilling to have.

Beatrice shook her head, she rolled her tongue into her cheek as she scoffed, "That's just an excuse, Carlisle," she stated and crossed her arms, "You chose to leave, and now you expect me to just accept your apology and move on? You vanished and left me with nothing but questions and pain," she could feel the ache in her chest starting to grow once more, "You left me pregnant and then widowed with a son."

Solemnly, Carlisle reached for her, "I can't undo what I did, but I'm here now. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us," He begged, "I can't change the past, but I want to work toward a better future." Carlisle was ready to drop to his knees for the woman he loved, Carlisle's eyes were earnest as he looked at Beatrice, his voice soft yet filled with desperation. He could sense the distance between them, the wall she had built to protect herself from the pain he had caused. 

"A better future?" Beatrice scoffed, "I needed you then, not now. The damage is done, and your sudden return doesn't fix anything. What makes you think I want to let you back in?" she sneered.

Carlisle paused, trying to find the right words, "I know you have every right to be angry with me," he stated, "I left you with a burden you shouldn't have had to bear. But I've had a long time to think, and I want to try and make amends. You mean too much to me to just give up," he pleaded.

Beatrice laughed, "Amends? You're too late, Carlisle. I've built a life without you, and it's not as if you can just waltz in and smooth everything over," she looked him up and down, "I can't trust you, especially since you've started a new family."

Carlisle couldn't contain himself any longer, he gripped her hand and started dragging her through the hospital, "Carlisle what are you doing? Release me at once!" Beatrice shrieked at his sudden action. They were lucky that no one was around to see them act so rashly, he hurried into his office before slamming the door behind them and locking it, "Carlisle what is the meaning of this?" Beatrice question.

Never, not in the time they were human together, had Carlisle ever treated her so harshly. Carlisle stalked towards her until she was pressed against the large wooden desk, he placed his hand behind her, not saying a word. His arms trembled as did his legs as both gave out. Carlisle was dry sobbing as he held Beatrice's hips, "Please...I don't know what I was thinking..." he sobbed pressing his face into Beatrice's stomach, "I just got you back...please don't leave me ..."

Beatrice remained stoic, his pleading falling on deaf ears as she didn't react, she braced her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away, she looked away, "Carlisle, you put me through so much pain. It's not easy to just forgive and move on," she stated. She hated seeing her husband like this, it hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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