I wish

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Here in my room.
Wondering why it's here I feel safe.
I wish it was with you.
I felt safe with.
But I feel more safe when your gone.
Why is that?
I ask myself over and over again.
It's not like you hurt me.
I guess I'm scared to let you in.
Let anyone in again.
They hurt me last time.
I wish that didn't happen.
I wish I didn't go back to them.
The past was hard.
Love is hard.
All of life is hard.
I wish it wasn't.
Do you ever wish?
I wish a lot.
Can you tell?
I wish I could hear you.
I wish I could see you.
I wish I could make myself feel the love you are giving me.
I wish we could cuddle and kiss.
But I know wishes don't come true.
Disney lied.
Happy ever afters don't exist.
I wish it did though.
Who am I to say it doesn't exist,
I'm only young and have my whole life ahead of me.
I will wait.
For my happy ending.
For you my readers.
You can doing it to, wait.
Wait for them.
For now,
Let's love what we got.

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