Chapter 1

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The sun rose, as the light brightens the white window curtain. Apo was sleeping peacefully until he got disturbed by the bright light.

--Why is the sun so bright today. Can't I have peace at all?--

He sighs in annoyance.
As he wakes up and sits on the bed with his sleepy eyes
He just simply sits for a while and went to check the time from his phone which is on the table

--What!? Seven??? Shiaa I totally forgot that I have an early meeting with an important college student today--

He hurriedly jumped off the bed and went to take a shower. After showering, he changed his clothes with full speed and got out of the house.

He got inside his car ready to drive as fast as possible but when he tries to start the car, it doesn't. He tries again and again but it still remains the same.

He snaps with anger

--Does it have to stop working only today. Now I have no choice but to find a taxi--

He rushed out of the car and started running. As soon as he reached the highway, the road was busy with many vehicles. He tries to call out the taxi, but one by one, some ignored and some were with passengers.

--Taxi!!! Taxi!!! Here!!--

(As I said, it was a really busy road)

He had no choice but to run to reach the college in the right timing

(The meeting will start at 7:30)

As he was about to cross the road waiting for the vehicles to slow down, he checked the time again on his phone

--Seven twenty!!??? Hia!! there's only ten minutes left--

He just started to walk fast even though the vehicles seemed to be more in a rush than him. The vehicles would come so fast that he would stop in the middle; one would come, one would go. (The road was pretty huge)

Suddenly the road seemed to become a little free, he smiled a little and walked fast before any vehicles would come.

A voice shouted

--Move away!!!!--

Apo got shocked, turned his right to see a car directly coming at full speed. A hand pushed him and he fell down a little away from the road.

Everything went black...

Apo opened his eyes, realising that he is in a hospital. There were some bruises in his body and his shoulders were hurting a lot. Next to him was a man who seemed like he was injured so badly, there were a lot of scars and bruises. His upper cheeks were red and a little swollen, his legs were bandaged and his hands too.

Apo looked at the man and says in a low voice to himself

--How can a man be this handsome even when there are scars in his face--

The man slowly opens his eyes.
Apo looks away

--Where am I...?--

Apo replies
--Well it's obvious that we're both in a hospital--

--wha what? Hospital?--

Apo nods his head

After a moment of silence...

--I heard what you said before, Am I handsome?--
He teasingly smiled

--Um.. um.. I said that?--

--What? You think I'm deaf? Unlike you who couldn't ever hear the car coming straight towards you--

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