Trained killers.

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Steve came back with the girl a while later. Honestly it had been hours and Nat was starting to worry that something had happened to Steve. The June evening sun gave everything a warm orange glow as Steve and the girl walked together along a gravel road towards the facility. Nat was standing at a window watching them as they walked. The girl looked almost normal for a while. The way she she smiled when Steve told her a joke or when she jumped as she walked because she was describing something funny. Her auburn long hair flowing in the wind. She didn't look like a killer, but that didn't mean she wasn't one. Steve's eyes wandered over the building until he found her. His beaming white smile made her back away. She shouldn't watch them, it was creepy and odd. Natasha backed away from the window. Moments later, familiar steps walked closer behind her. The redhead turned around and Clint was walking towards her.

"Hey" he nodded in greeting.

Nat gave him a closed mouth smile and Clint tilted his head in confusion.

"Why are you so weird about this?"

Nat shook her head. He wouldn't understand.

"I'm not weird."

Clint walked up to the window and barely got a glance on Steve and the girl before they made their way into the building.

"Nat" he said. "Why don't you wanna talk to her?"

The woman felt something drop in her stomach.

"Why should I?" She retorted.

"Because-" but Nat cut him off because she knew what he was about to say.

"She isn't my kid" she rolled her eyes at him.

Clint looked at her with his warm brown eyes and something inside them made Nat doubt herself.

"Fury has been talking about recruiting her with the new avengers team" Clint admitted and Nat realised why he was here.

"What?" Natasha shook her head. "But she's a trained killer!"

Clint sighed, he knew where this was going already.

"So are we."

Natasha scoffed and rolled her eyes at him.

"That's different" she spat.

Barton frowned at her. Nat wasn't sure she'd ever seen him frown before.

"Either way Fury thinks it's better to move her off the facility for a few weeks, to help her become her own person." He watched as the woman took in his words.

Slowly, she nodded, in loss of other words.

"He's going to give her another night and if she still hadn't done anything she's going home with me for a few days."

The woman wasn't prepared for that.

"You are going to, purposely, bring an assassin into your house?" She raised her eyebrows in a scolding way but Barton just nodded.

"Fury feels that it's the best way to go about it."

"Maybe Fury isn't that smart after all." Natasha muttered.

Clint glared at her.

"She's just a kid, Nat" he told her.

"A killer" she hissed.

"Just like you and me."

Nat knew she had lost the argument. Barton sighed and shook his head.

"You are welcome to visit, we're leaving tomorrow afternoon." And with those words, he left her. Natasha watched as he walked away from her. Her best friend was taking in this kid, this killer. She couldn't quite explain her feelings towards the girl. Yes, it was true that she hadn't hurt anyone while incarcerated and she got the opportunity to run but didn't.

Nat stormed in to director Fury's office. He was sitting behind a glas desk with piles of paperwork stacked around him. She slammed the door behind him, making him visibly flinch at the loud sound.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She growled at him.

"Paperwork" he smirked at her.

"Don't you play smart" Nat narrowed her eyes.

"I don't have to" Fury sat back in his chair and looked at Nat. "I already am."

"You're not when you do something like this" Nat walked over to him.

"Why are you so mad about this Nat?" He asked her, his one eye holding onto her as she burned in front of him.

"Because" she started, not knowing how to continue the sentence. "Because she's dangerous."

Fury rolled his eye at her and sighed before leaning forward.

"She passed a lie detector test Romanoff" he told her.

"I don't care, she's not trustworthy." Nat spat at him.

Fury's gaze softened.

"Why is that?" He asked her.

"Because she's an assassin" Nat slammed her hands down on his desk and glared into his eye.

"Can you tell me someone else who was an assassin but now works for S.H.I.E.L.D?" Fury asked her and Nat just rolled her eyes at him.

"Exactly, so why can't you trust me about this?" Fury asked. "You were fine with the Maximoff girl."

"That's different" Nat stood up. "I know her."

"So get to know this one" Fury pushed.

Nat laughed at that.

No fucking way.

"Ain't no way" she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Why not, you've been weirdly distant ever since we called you in about her." Fury said, a question behind his words.

"Because she's dangerous!" Nat hissed.

"No" Fury stood up while shaking his head. "This is something else."

No don't you dare say it.

"If it's because she's your-"

"She's not my kid for fuck sake!" Nat yelled at him and stormed off, leaving a very surprised man standing behind her.

Fury sighed and picked up his phone. He dialled a number and out the device to his ear. Three tones rang through his phone before;


"Barton, we need to talk."

Agent Barton made his way to Fury's office. He had a confused look plastered on his face.

"Everything okay boss?" He asked the man in front of him.

"Sit" Fury gestured to a chair in front of the desk. "We need to talk about Romanoff."

(A/n) Hii guys! Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, I ran out of ideas! Hope y'all have a great day xx.

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