So much blood.

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Alia actually liked her cell. It was light, with a real bed and a desk with a matching chair. Back at the red room she had shared a room with 9 other girls so this felt like a five star hotel. Well, except for the part of being watched for 24/7 but she couldn't blame them. She wouldn't trust herself if she were them but now at least they knew what she could do. All the people she robbed of their lives, every last shot, somehow it all led to this very moment. To this small cell with a bed, desk and chair. The guilt stung in her.

No don't think about them.

Alia shook the guilt off of her. She needed something to do because she couldn't deal with her emotions yet. All the guilt that was haunting her when she tried to sleep needed to be forgotten. The redhead glanced around the room, looking for a distraction. When she decided it was for no good she just sat down on the floor, in the middle of the room.

"I'm booooored" she sang while looking at the camera in the corner. "Please nice agent people do something."

No response. Alia listened closely for any type of movement but the only thing she could hear was the air in the vents and her own breathing.

Oh no not again.

Alia put her hands over her ears. She hadn't left this room for two days and it was killing her. Her breathing just got louder and now the vents were her victims, screaming for help as she held her gun to them and pulled the trigger. The sound echoed through time and space as the bullet ripped a hole in the person she just shot. They fell to the ground, still screaming. Everything screamed now, the air, her breath, even the colours on the wall. Another shot, another victim on the ground, lying in a pool of their own blood.

Death was everywhere.

A knife in someone's chest, a shot in someone's head. Death was always there, like a friend but worse. She could feel death on her shoulder as she pulled the trigger and another person fell down, dead. Five shots and five dead people. They were inside this room now, their dead eyes edging her deeper into this feeling. The blood started rising and oh my god it was at her neck now.

Just let it take you.

Alia shut her eyes. It was everywhere when she opened them again, the blood. She felt herself grabbing another person, twisting their neck until their bones cracked and they went limp. Shots, cracks, screams and blood. So much blood. The door opened and Alia was so sure that it was another person, another victim. But it wasn't. This time it was a blonde man, dressed in a white shirt and jeans. He had broad shoulders and his hair was neatly styled.

"Hey, it's okay" he raised his arms to show her that he was unarmed.

He broke her transe and she looked up at his big blue eyes.

"I'm Steve." He said, giving her a small smile. "What's your name?"

"Alianovna" she swallowed.

"Okay" he nodded while walking over to her. "Well you need a nickname because that's so long."

He still felt like he was miles away but maybe if he talked some more he would get closer.

"Alia" she whispered.

"Alia is nice" Steve agreed. "I'll call you that from now on."

Alia was still shaken by her episode she had just had.

"You okay?" The man asked, his blue eyes searching her face for answers.

Alia nodded, not daring to speak just yet because her voice would shake or maybe even crack.

"Well I'm Steve" the man smiled at her.

He looked so innocent, just like her victims.

No, shut up. SHUT UP!

"Come on" the man stood up and offered his hand to her.

She took it and rose from the floor, a question in her silent expression.

"We are going outside." He beamed and walked through the door that Alia thought was locked.

"Am I allowed to?" Alia fought to keep up with the man and his big paces.

"Yeah I think so, they can't keep you locked up here forever." He shrugged.

Alia frowned at that. Wasn't that exactly what they could do? The man let her through a few door, out to the outside of the facility. Steve walked along a gravel road and Alia walked after him. He walked past the helicopters, through a small dung of trees and finally stopped at a small lake. It was surrounded by small trees and the water glowed from the sun. Steve flopped down onto the grass so Alia did the same.

"Aren't you scared I'm gonna run away or something?" She asked and her deep Russian accent pierced her words.

"Nah" he shrugged. "You could've bent open the door if you wanted to. That's what I would've done."

Alia turned her eyes away from the breathtaking lake to look at him.

"Are you a super soldier too?" She asked him for which he nodded with a distant smile.

"I'm the first super soldier actually" he sighed.

Alia laid down in the grass and glanced up at the clear sky.

"Cool" she smiled at him.

"I guess" he smiled a sad smile. "But I got frozen in ice and when I finally got out if it I woke up in this time."

"What do you mean this time?" Alia frowned.

"I'm actually from 1942 but when I got frozen in ice I was lost until just a few years ago." The man shrugged and flopped down on the grass next to her.

"Damn" Alia said, still processing what he just told her. "So you're like super old?"

He laughed at that. His warm cackles filling the air around them.

"Do I look old to you?" He grinned.

Alia nodded. Something surfaced in her head. Her oldest victim.

No, no, no please no.

She was lying in a hospital bed, tubed in her throat and arms and Alia knew that she didn't have much time but still. She pulled the trigger and the sound ripped through her even though she wasn't the one with a bullet in their brain. It was done, she was dead. Steve nudged her arm and that brought her back to the real world. To here and now.

"You okay kid?" He asked.

He sounded worried, behind his eyes was a question that he didn't quite dare to ask. Alia swallowed and took a few breaths. Her heart was still pounding in her chest.

"I get flashbacks too." Steve mumbled.

"Of what?" Alia turned to look at him.

"War" he sighed.

That's when it hit Alia. He was a soldier in his past life.

"What did you see?" His question interrupted her train of thought.

"One of the many people I killed." Alia bit her lip as the tears stung her eyes.

"Shit, sorry kid." He sighed.

She knew it wasn't his fault so why was he apologising? He got out from his hell hole so maybe she wasn't a lost cause after all. They laid in the grass in silence for a while. Alia took in the surrounding nature. The fresh smell of grass and how the wind blew through the trees. This time, nothing sounded like screams. For once it was all as it should be.

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