sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ꕥ 9

Comenzar desde el principio

Slowly, El and Lizzie walked forward, feet splashing on the watery ground.

When they got right up next to him, Lizzie barely whispered. "He can't see us, right?"

El shook her head. "No. He'd be looking at us..."

Apparently, to go into someone's mind, you had to make direct contact with them in the void, and focus yourself on them.

"So if I hold onto you, and you to him, will that work?" Lizzie whispered. El slowly nodded.

Then she took Billy's hand. And Lizzie took her other one.

"Billy," El slowly said, after they were all connected. "Can you hear me...?"

"We want to see," Lizzie said, suddenly knowing what to do. "We want to see what happened."

Then, Billy looked up at them.

And lunged for Lizzie's hand.

"Argh!" Both girls were now getting held by him, and pulled in. They were both panting; faces sweaty, eyes glassy.

"STOP! NO! NO!" El shouted.

"LET GO!" Lizzie also begged, as the grip tightened-

Then she got what she wished for.

In a shower of memories, Lizzie and El fell backwards in sync; eyes wide, mouths open; shouting for no one to hear.

Then they landed.

The first thing Lizzie registered was cold water on her body, then the taste of salt. Whether it was from tears or the sea she now saw, she didn't know.

"Where... are we?" Lizzie asked slowly, as she and El got up.

They were on a beach. They had landed at the meeting point of land and water, but as they got up, they walked onto the wet sand, looking around as some seagulls flew away.

"E-El- Lizzie- are you okay- okay- okay..." Mike's voice echoed around. It sounded like it was coming from the sky.

"We're okay," El spoke softly. Lizzie stayed silent, for she didn't know how to speak to the people outside the void.

"What's going on-on-on..." Mike asked again.

"We're... on a beach," El told him.

"Okay, call me dense, but last time I checked, there were no beaches in Hawkins-Hawkins-Hawkins..." Lucas' voice came through.

"What else do you see?" Max's voice was unlike the others; it was clear.

"A woman," Lizzie spoke louder, hoping they heard it, for she had just seen a woman across the shore. She was beautiful, with blonde hair, a white dress, and golden earrings.

"She's... pretty," El spoke. "And I... I think she's looking at us."

The woman waved, but Lizzie was smart enough to realise it wasn't to them.

It was to the little boy who suddenly ran past them, carrying a body board.

"Yeah! Whoooo! You did it!" The woman shouted to the little boy.

"There's... a boy," Lizzie said, starting to understand...

"Did you see that?" The boy asked the woman.

"Yeah, I saw that!" The woman held the boy, kissing his forehead.

"That was at least seven feet!" The boy replied animatedly.

"I don't know what it was but it almost gave me a heart attack!"

The little boy's face softened and he asked. "Ten more minutes?"

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