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You pulled away.He was looking at you and blinking.

Hoshiumi:T-That was...

You were afraid of his comment.


Your eyes lit up.

Hoshiumi:C-Can I do it now...

You nodded.He got close to you and kissed your soft lips.You felt like your stomach was going to explode from all of the butterflies you were feeling right now.You both didn't want this kiss to end.All of the sudden you heard Mila and Hirugami coming and calling you.You quickly pulled away and turned your head.

Hirugami:What was that in the gymnasium huh?
Hoshiumi:S-Shut up!
Mila:And what were you two doing just now?

Of course,they saw everything but didn't wanna embarrass you two even more.

Hirugami:Anyways,why don't you two come back?
Mila:Yeah,the game really started to heat up.

You looked at Hoshiumi.He knew you wanted to go back there.

Hoshiumi:Okay let's go.

He was a little embarrassed after everything that happened but he wanted to make you happy.So you went back and kept watching the game.Of course there were some comments and Hoshiumi and you wanted to argue but the others wouldn't let you.The rest of the game went fine and your friend won.

After that you decided to go for a walk with Hoshiumi.You were walking through the sand of the beach.

Hoshiumi:Well...Now that everybody knows we're together I guess...We can act like a couple.

You smiled at him.He took your hand in his,he intertwined his fingers with yours.You blushed a little.

You:I like this...
Hoshiumi:Ye-Yeah me too...

He pouted a little and looked away.You chuckled.Then you spotted a seashell in the sand.

You:Oh look!A seashell!

You squated down and took it.

You:It's so pretty.
Hoshiumi:Yeahhh-Oh here's one more!

He took it.You kept on searching for the seashells and you found a lot of them.As Hoshiumi was dipping through the sand he spotted one crab and it pinched him.


You quickly turned around.

You:You okay???
Hoshiumi:No!This crab pinched me!

He showed you his finger.You started laughing.

Hoshiumi:It's not funny!
You:I-I'm sorry-PFFFFF-

He rolled his eyes.You were still laughing.

You:How about we go home?

You took his hand gently.

You:Do you still feel pain?
Hoshiumi:A little.

You nodded.You two started walking home.You sighed while looking at the sky.

You:Today was really...Interesting

Hoshiumi laughed.

Hoshiumi:Yeah but it was nice...I liked it.

You looked at him.You've never seen him so sincere.

Hoshiumi:You know...I'm glad I met you.

You were caught off guard by that.

Hoshiumi:It's funny to me how our relationship...Progressed?We were enemies at first,then friends and now...A couple.I am happy because you are my first girlfriend...And I want to make you happy as much as possible.

You couldn't believe your ears.You expected everything but these words.

Hoshiumi:I know it's weird...But...I'm just being honest.

You smiled.

You:I'm grateful for your honesty...

You squeezed his hand.

You:But I really don't expect you to say this-
Hoshiumi:Wait!Is it cringe?!

You laughed.

You:No it's not cringe!It's cute.

He blushed.

You:You're a cutie!

Your pulled his cheeks.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 07 ⏰

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