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Hoshiumi heard everything.He was now on the beach going through the sand and looking down.

Hoshiumi's mind:She actually likes me...

He remembered the time you two met.


Hoshiumi:Did I offend you?

He smirked.Vein appeared on your forehead.

You:Yes you did!Pipsqueak!You're full of yourself for someone so short!

Vein appeared on Hoshiumi's forehead too.

You:You heard me!

Back to now...

Hoshiumi smiled while looking down.

Hoshiumi's mind:We couldn't look at each other then and now...She likes me...And I rejected her...Did I ruin our friendship?...

He sat on the sand and looked at the night sky.He remembered all those moments he spent with you,aqua park,concert of your favorite artist,playing games together,your little fights.He was asking himself over and over trying to get the answer,but he was too scared.He was sure things between you two will change now.He was sure he wouldn't survive that,you were a very important person in his life.All of the sudden he got up from the sand and started running,running towards your place.He wanted to have a normal conversation with you.He was running as fast as he could.He was bumping into people from the crowd but he didn't care,he just wanted to see your face once more!To look at those eyes that would always make him smile.After few minutes of constantly running without stopping he finally arrived.He started literally BANGING on your door.You quickly ran to open it and were shocked when you saw Hoshiumi.He was all sweaty and panting.

You:W-What are you doing h-

He hugged you.

Hoshiumi:Please don't let our friendship fall apart because of this!

Your eyes widened.You couldn't believe this.

Hoshiumi:Maybe I don't wanna relationship with you...(just yet) but I don't wanna lose our friendship either!
Hoshiumi:Please don't hate me because of this!

He hugged you even tighter.

You:I don't hate you...

Hoshiumi's eyes widened.He looked at you.

Hoshiumi:Y-You don't?
You:No...I can't hate you just because of one rejection.

Hoshiumi felt bad and hugged you again.

Hoshiumi:I'm sorry...
You:It's okay...
Hoshiumi:So...Nothing is going to change?
Hoshiumi:Thank you Y/N...

You were holding your tears back so bad.Hoshiumi's phone rang all of the sudden.It was the coach telling him they'll have a match next week.

Hoshiumi:Okay,okay sir.We'll be there.

He hang up.

Hoshiumi:I'll have a match next week.
You:Oh that's great.
Hoshiumi:You'll come to watch me,right?

You nodded.

Hoshiumi:Okay...Uh...I should probably go now...
You:Yeah...Good night...
Hoshiumi:Good night...

He hugged you again and went away.The last few days you didn't talk much,he was too busy preparing for the match coming up and you also didn't have strength to call him.And then...There came the day of the match.

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