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( Sorry for how short this part is, please comment for what I could do better or what you like about this story so far so I can have feedback to work on)


Amir had been at the cafe longer than he intended to be. He was so engrossed in his conversation that he hadn't realized how much time had passed. As he glanced out the window, he saw that it was already nighttime and the stars had started to appear in the sky.

His friend noticed that he seemed spooked and asked him if there was something wrong. Amir apologized and explained that he had lost time and forgot to check his watch.

Amir offered to give his friend a ride home, and Romez happily accepted. Amir watched as Romez left to go end his shift and close down. Meanwhile, Amir stood up, making his way through the café doors to his jeep. Using his car key, He started his jeep and turned on the heat to make it warmer, as it was freezing outside. He also turned on the seat heaters for extra warmth.

As he waited for his friend, Amir watched as Romez, the owner of the cafe, locked up the shop and the employees left for the night. He was relieved to see his friend finally coming towards the car, ready to head back home.

" Thank you friend for helping me out, I normally take the bus"

" Anytime Romez "

Amir started to back the jeep out of the parking lot. Driving forward through different parts of the downtown part of the city

"Tomorrow after your shift come visit i am off tomorrow to work on some projects, I'll be making my homestyle pasta from back home along with some wine"

" If I get the time I will take you up on that you know I can't say no to the homestyle pasta"

They both laughed, The highway was peaceful the car window letting in the fresh air that blew the strands of Amir's hair. The jazz music Romez had to play on the Bluetooth of the car. Another thing that they both had in common was music. A big part of their friendship. The red light came on stopping the car amir felt a pair of eyes looking at him. Those velvet eyes stared into him he felt it but he didn't want to acknowledge it.

Amir decided to ignore the fact that he was being stared at by Romez he didn't have the energy to do it.

But his stupid mouth wouldn't keep shut as if his body went off on its own

" Romez why are you staring at me?"

The car fell silent. Amir mentally cursed himself hoping that he didn't create a negative atmosphere

" Sorry..guess I just spaced out friend.. maybe I've just been too lonely that it's driving me crazy"

Amir was shocked for as far as he knew Romez he knew that he was married.

" What about your wife?, Romez..did something happen between you guys "

"I'll tell you more tomorrow friend I don't think it's appropriate at such a time don't want to bring your spirit down, you have office work tomorrow"

Romez strolled his hands up and down Amir's back smoothly and softly to give him comfort for tomorrow

" Thanks, Romez have a good night I'll make time for you tomorrow to meet up we can meet up at 8, "

" sounds good Amir see you tomorrow "

Amir watched as Romez left for his home an apartment a nice tall one it made him wonder how truly business was going for Romez

He started to drive off to go back home and get ready for tomorrow

Once Amir got home he started his night routine taking a shower and doing some of his skin care, cleaning off his bed. And flat ironing his suit for tomorrow. Going to the kitchen Amir chopped some ingredients making some quick chopped steak and rice. He went to his room lay down took out his book and set some candles on the side of his drawers that gave his room a good wood smell. He ate his food and steak with rice with some thick steak sauce. With a glass of wine on the side, he laid down on the bed reading his book about murder and crime for an hour

After he got to a stopping point in his book and finished the last of his food he put his book back in his collection of books, he was almost running out of books to read he would need to buy more books to read

After he was done washing his plates and dishes in the sink, Amir set his alarm for 8 so he could wake up on time opening up his window to let in the cold air of the city he took off his robe went into his bed, and turning off his lamp light laying down deep into the comfort of the plush pillow and the black silk of his warms cover and his black sheets.

* Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Amir slammed his hand on the alarm clock stopping the beeping of the timer. He sighed as he laid back into the warmness of the sheets. His hands lay on his head rubbing at his hair preparing himself to wake up. Amir sat up as he tried to ignore his morning wood pocking out and bouncing as soon as he woke up out from the covers.

" Why does this always happen to me every morning"

Ignoring it and taking his anxiety pills with the glass of water that sat on the side of his bed.

Amir is out on his robe making his way to the bathroom with a hot shower. After a clean shave in the mirror, Amir went to the kitchen to cut up some onions and other ingredients with the leftover rice he made for his breakfast eating

What will the office be like and look like for Amir? Will he be able to accept that he is now stuck with Derek? Well keep reading to find out. 

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