Start from the beginning

Augustine was fiddling with her pencil as she scanned through the endless messages Will had sent her way when she felt suddenly felt something rough graze her fingers. Looking at her hand that was supposed to be holding the pencil, she found that she had a literal piece of bark in her grasp.

Glancing around the room, realizing that surely she would've seen a member of the family try to prank her, she was completely alone. Putting her phone down hastily, she scoured the entire room for that stupid pencil. The dullness of it would've stood out among the rest that she had which were always kept sharp after usage.

"I'm going crazy," she'd said to Carlisle, immediately seeking him out in his office. "I think I'm fully losing it— can vampires even experience hallucinations, or am I just that special?"

She was seriously freaking out. After the incident of the rock that turned into a pen in the woods, the weird strawberry appearance, and now a whole debacle over a piece of tree bark, Augustine had zero fucking clue what was going on. But, she knew that all these instances were related because how could they not be?

Carlisle even looked stumped, eyes glancing between the bark she was waving around in her hand and the girl herself with a pinched look on his face. "I don't even know what to say."

Augustine grew even more anxious. "Oh, the all mighty Doctor Cullen has no answer?" she asked, throwing the piece of bark onto the floor with exasperation. "So I'm a freak of nature, is that what you're saying? That's fantastic."

"I'm not saying that at all," he reassured her, the girl always one to jump to the worst conclusions. "I'm just— at a loss. I've never seen someone be able to do something like this."

"Something like this?" she parroted back, instantly perking up with sheer desperation. "You said something like this. Please tell me you have a theory!"

Carlisle nodded before he rounded over to the small couch in his new office. "I might have a theory," came his simple reply watching as the girl's shoulders nearly sank in relief. He handed her a pillow and gestured for her to have a seat, which she did. She held the pillow in her lap, watching as Carlisle pulled up a chair in front of her. "So, tell me about Paul."

Her optimism instantly faded, her face settling into a deadpan look as she stared at the blond across from her. "We don't have time for this, Carlisle."

"Surely if you told Emmett what happened, you can also tell me." Carlisle's grin was kind, but his eyes were indicative to the fact that he was presently plotting.

Augustine instantly gripped the pillow tighter, almost leaning forward as a spurt of anger surged within her. "He's a snitch, and whatever he said was obviously a lie, so—"

"Augustine," the man chided, observing the way her whole body was now much tenser than it was before. "What's got you so upset?"

For the first time since she'd met him, Carlisle was being pushy— and that was seriously saying something considering the rest of the family was always pushy about something or another. For Alice, she was pushy about planning the perfect party. For Rosalie, she was pushy about them having too much human contact. And even Esme could be pushy; like when Augustine first arrived, she'd been pushy to include her in their family activities.

"What are you so afraid of?"

Augustine blanched for but a second before she had to hold herself back from surging forward. "I'm not afraid of shit!" she scowled, could feel her nails digging into the pillow.

"I beg to differ," he responded, subtly leaning back in the chair he pulled up. He seemed calm, collected, and right now it was making Augustine want to scream. All her energy was focused on him, how he was making her feel, and had hardly noticed that the pillow in her grip seemed firmer than it was before.

"You wanna hear about how I'm afraid of being vulnerable? That's tough because being vulnerable is for the weak. That's what my—" her angered spiel fizzled out when the next words had to practically punch their way out of her throat, "s'what my mom used to say."

Carlisle hummed, but remained quiet. When she didn't hear him say anything else, she followed his gaze that settled on her lap. Looking down, she shouldn't have been surprised when the pillow was gone. In its place? A piece of fucking rock.

"You see this too, right?" she murmured, lifting the pillow-sized rock away from her lap. She set it down beside him, looking at it like it would suddenly sprout teeth and start chomping in her direction. "What's wrong with me?"

"Matter manipulation— if I had to take a guess," he responded, a ghost of a smile on his face. Getting her angry was just a test, one she passed with flying colours. He'd only heard of one other vampire with the ability to do so, though he hadn't heard from him in well over a century. "It's quite remarkable, August."

Her shoulders slumped. "I don't feel remarkable," she quipped in return, biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. She cursed whatever higher power granted her with an ability like this. In theory, manipulating the matter of objects around her seemed cool, but she'd lost one too many granite pencils to start celebrating.

Carlisle merely stood, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Nothing a little bit of practice can't fix, right?"

Augustine willfully nodded, squeezing the hand on her shoulder. "I'll try; I won't like it, but I'll try."

"And that's all I ask."

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

[ wyn's note ]

power alert power alert!!

a brief note on matter manipulation:
"one with this ability can manipulate matter to transform and revamp the composition of an object from solid, to liquid, to gas, they can change its size from microscopic to building-sized, or they can even disfigure and reassemble an object's matter into another form."

augustine's cool so she needed an equally as cool power (+ you guys will freak when you find out why this power will be so important to her)

thank you guys for 10k reads on KILLER!! i love getting ur comments and i appreciate each and every one of you! all love xx

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