Chapter 5: Unforeseen Encounter

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As the morning sun cast its golden hue over the city, Virat was engrossed in his rigorous workout routine at the gym. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead as he pushed himself to the limit, the rhythmic thud of his footsteps echoing in the empty space. Suddenly, amidst the clatter of weights and the hum of exercise machines, his phone rang, breaking the silence with its urgent tone.

"Another sack found? Alright, I'm on my way," Virat's voice was firm as he listened to the caller's report.

In a swift motion, Virat grabbed his belongings and hurried out of the gym, his mind already racing with thoughts of the unfolding case. Lost in the urgency of the moment, he barely noticed the figure rushing towards him until it was too late.

With an accidental collision, Sai stumbled back, her gym bag slipping from her grasp. Virat's heart skipped a beat as he reached out to steady her, their eyes meeting in a brief moment of shared surprise.

"Sorry," Sai muttered, hastily gathering her belongings.

"It's alright," Virat replied, his voice tinged with concern as he glanced at his watch, "I'm in a hurry."

Without another word, he rushed off, leaving Sai to watch his retreating figure with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment.

As Virat stepped out of his home, his mind consumed with thoughts of the gruesome crime scene awaiting him, his gaze inadvertently fell upon Sai standing outside her house. She was engaged in a lively conversation with a young man who had just pulled up on a motorcycle. Virat's heart sank as he watched them, a pang of jealousy stirring within him.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at the sight of Sai with another man. Despite their complicated history, he had harbored a glimmer of hope that they might someday reconcile. But seeing her with someone else shatters that illusion, leaving him to grapple with a sense of loss and longing.

Pushing aside his tumultuous emotions, Virat focused on the task at hand and hurried off to the crime scene, determined to bury his personal feelings and confront the grim realities of his profession. However, the image of Sai and the young man lingered in his mind, a painful reminder of what could have been.

As Virat meticulously examined the crime scene, his mind focused on gathering every possible clue to unravel the mystery behind the brutal killings. After carefully inspecting the body in the bloody sack, he swiftly ordered it to be sent to the forensic lab for further analysis.

Amidst the chaos of reporters scrambling to capture the unfolding events, Virat's attention was drawn to Sai, who was reporting the incident with her characteristic poise and professionalism. He couldn't help but admire her dedication to her work, even as their paths seemed to diverge further with each passing moment.

Meanwhile, Sai's voice echoed through the crowd as she delivered the latest updates on the investigation. "Mumbai police have discovered another bloody sack, marking the 13th in this series of heinous crimes," she announced, her words carrying the weight of the grim reality they were facing. "DCP Virat Chavan is leading the investigation, personally examining the crime scene and gathering evidence."

As Virat emerged from the police enclosure, he was immediately swarmed by reporters, including Sai, all vying for a soundbite to broadcast to the public. With cameras and microphones thrust in his direction, Virat maintained his composure, addressing the eager journalists.

"We are actively investigating the case and will provide updates as soon as we have more information," he assured them, his voice firm and authoritative. "In the meantime, I urge the public to remain vigilant and report any instances of kidnapping or missing persons to the nearest police station within 12 hours."

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