Aliens of London

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"Happy Bonded points," Adalyn said, sipping her coffee.

"TWELVE MONTHS!" Jackie and Johnny scream, startling the three and Adalyn winced in pain.

"You're in pain, I know you're in pain," the Doctor told Adalyn.

"It's fine," Adalyn said.

"No, it's not," the Doctor argued.

"Doctor," Johnny said sternly.

"Yes, Johnny?" the Doctor responds with an innocent smile. He was a bit relieved Johnny wasn't steaming anymore.

"Twelve months," Johnny repeated.

"I was distracted," the Doctor admitted.

"He was," Rose confirmed.

Jackie went and slapped the Doctor, "I haven't seen my daughter in a year only for Johnny to tell me when you were coming from and what had happened to Adalyn while not listening to her or Rose, so," she turned to Adalyn, "He deserved that!"

"Okay," Adalyn said with a shrug making the Doctor look at her in offense, "Don't mess with an angry mother." Then the Doctor got hit and knocked down.

"Or an angry best friend," Tony Stark spoke from the entrance of the TARDIS. The Doctor looked back up at the suited man and wondered why the TARDIS had given a happy hum. "Oh, she likes me, yay," Tony said, hearing the hums.

The Doctor looked at Adalyn (OMG, I was about to write Ivy this time) in confusion. "He has robots that have become sentient," she answered his confusion.

"This is really cool by the way," Tony said, motioning to the interior of the TARDIS, "Such a big interior stuffed into a police box," he looked around more, "Gotta figure how to do that."

"I honestly thought you would be against something not scienc-y," Rose couldn't help but say.

"You're Rose?" Rose nodded, "I deal with science, I am scienc-y but we're both know one or two Ghost Riders and mutants exist, so I am well aware that there are things that can't be explained. I just don't acknowledge it unless it's helpful to the situation. This, right here," he motioned again to the TARDIS, "Is relevant because you've guys have mysteriously disappeared with an alien for a year and think it's only been twelve hours, and because this ship appeals to my mechanical side. On top of that, JARVIS decided to scan the Doctor and did confirm he has two hearts so I am acknowledging he is not a human," Tony rambled.

Suddenly the doors open again and Mickey runs in, "Where have you been? They think I killed you both and somehow escaped the neighborhood Ghost Rider!" Mickey yelled.

Adalyn scoffed, "You wouldn't escape me," she said sipping her coffee as she rubbed the Doctor's back. He was rubbing the cheek that got hit and slapped with a pout. It had become apparent to Tony, Johnny, and Jackie that the Doctor's distraction was from Adalyn being hurt, but he still landed a year later than he left. They weren't too angry since it wasn't intentional, but they still were irritated it was a year later.

"Sir, Obadiah is trying to sneak into the lab," JARVIS spoke up.

"That bastard is still there?" Adalyn and Johnny ask.

"Well I can't get rid of him, he has too much of an influence and he somehow manages to avoid Addie when she visits," Tony said in defense before speaking to JARVIS, "He's not allowed in, ignore his overrides. The overrides don't count for him."

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