Chapter 5

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The screen lit up after everyone sat back down.The screen showed Daella with Alicent and Rhaenyra in the Grand Sept.

Rhaenyra:It's only been half a year since our mother died, and already they try to marry my father off and replace my sunshine as heir.I know those men and how they plot in their secret councils when i've been sent away.

Alicent:They cannot worry at the matter of lords and Kings, Rhaenyra.What if your father were to remarry?

Rhaenyra looked heartbroken then looked away at the candle on the altar.

Alicent:Your father loves you two.He chose Daella for his heir.

Rhaenyra:If my father were to remarry I would want it to be someone me and Daella trust.

She said looking at Alicent.


Rhaenyra:We trust you with our lives Alicent and I think Daella would love to have you as her stepmother.

Pansy:How can you be okay with your friend being your stepmother?

Rhaenyra:I don't know, we needed someone we both trusted and Alicent is the only person I thought of.

Daella:And I could barely understood what they were saying so I just smiled.

Everybody laughed at that.

Alicent looked at Daella who smiled at her, Alicent couldn't help but smile at them.Then moving to kneel in front of the altar.

Alicent:Kneel with me.

Daella and Rhaenyra moved on each side of Alicent.

Alicent:I find this is a way to be with my mother.Here in the quiet of the Sept, I feel close to her.I know it sounds foolish.

Rhaenyra:I don't think it's foolish.I don't.

Alicent:Good.Because I thought you and Daella might try.


Alicent:If not for me, then, perhaps for them.

Alicent handed Rhaenyra a match.Then moved to help Daella with hers, Rhaenyra lit hers then asked.

Rhaenyra:What do I say?

Alicent:Whatever you wish.It's only for you and the gods to know.

Both girls looked at Daella who had her head bowed making it look like she was praying to the gods, which she was but not for her but for her family and Alicent, Ser Jorah.It was just them in the Sept, Rhaenyra started to pray then started to tear up Alicent moved her hand on top of her arm.

The women were awed at Daella and Alicent and Rhaenyra's bond.

Rhaenyra:I want him to see me as more than just his little girl.And to see Daella is smarter than she seems and stronger than she looks.

The young girls in the hall nodded wanting their fathers to see them as more than just their little girls.

Alicent:My own father does not know the language of girls either.

They started laughing.

Alicent:When I with to talk to him, I know I must make the effort.

Rhaenyra:Thank you.

both smiled and put their hands on top of each other, then looked over at Daella who finally looked up and opened her eyes.She then looked at them and smiled to which the girls smiled back at her.

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