Chapter 04.

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Annabelle's POV.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as I was stunned.

"You guys switch with Beast, Belle and Ben, and Shaun is at the Isle. So, the only way he can remember is if he's saved by true love's kiss." FG explain to my parents and I as we were stunned by that. 

"Okay, well where Beast, Belle and Ben, also Mal?" I asked FG kindly as she shows my parents and I, that, they trapped in a magical ball, and only way for them to be free is if we make the choices, that they didn't make, in Descendants one, two, and three.

{Time skip}

"I hope this works, cause I don't want to mess up." I thought to myself as I see a Limbo pulling up towards, FG, my parents, Audrey and myself.

"Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" I heard Carlos the son of Cruella de Vil, say as I see him and Jay, the son of Jafar, fighting over a blanket, which makes me roll my eyes in annoyance, and I see Shaun and Evie the daughter of Regina Mills who used to be the Evil Queen, when Shaun and I make eye contact, he was shocked, but happy, so was I, and when he saw my parents, he nod at them and they nod back, I also see Uma, the daughter of Ursula, Harry Hook, the son of Killian Jones, and Emma Swan and Gil, the son of Gaston, I smile wicked at them three, which they smile back. 

"Here we go..." I thought to myself as I had a smile on my face....

(274 Words)

The daughter of two legends.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz