Part 20

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Zaman could feel the cool metal of the cage against his bare skin as he lay bound and gagged, his body tightly secured to the chair. The ropes twisted around his chest, creating a constricting harness that held him in place. His wrists were tied behind his back, his knees and ankles bound together, rendering him utterly helpless. The only sound in the room was the soft hum of the overhead lights, casting a harsh glare that made his situation all the more stark.

He had lost track of how long he had been waiting in the dimly lit room, but he knew that Sydney would come. She always did. A vision in leather, she held his desires and his fears in the palm of her hand. He was both mesmerized and terrified by her power over him, by the way she could effortlessly command his body and mind.

And then, like clockwork, she emerged from the shadows, her leather-clad form a silhouette of dominance against the sterile whiteness of the room. Her jacket creaked as she moved, and the soft swish of leather against leather filled the air. Zaman's heart quickened in his chest, a mixture of anticipation and dread coursing through his veins.

"Are you ready for your milking, Zaman?" Sydney's voice was like molten honey, smooth and rich with promise. She knew he couldn't respond, not with the gag securely in place, but that didn't stop her from asking, from taunting him with the illusion of choice.

She approached him slowly, her boots clicking on the cold floor. With a deliberate grace, she reached out and lifted his chin, her touch electric against his skin. Her eyes bore into his, dark and fathomless, as if searching for something hidden deep within him.

Zaman longed to speak, to beg for release, but all he could do was stare back at her, his eyes wide with a mixture of desire and fear. He knew what was expected of him, what was demanded of him in this twisted dance of power and submission. And so, he nodded, a silent acceptance of his fate.

Sydney's lips curved into a predatory smile, revealing a flash of white teeth. Without a word, she moved behind him, her hands deftly undoing the latches and buckles of her leather gloves. The sound of latex snapping against skin filled the room, a prelude to the inevitable.

Zaman felt a shiver run down his spine as she began to lube her gloves, the slick sound sending a jolt of arousal through him despite himself. He hated the way his body betrayed him, responding to her touch with a shameful eagerness. It was both a torment and a pleasure, a contradiction that he could never quite resolve.

And then, with a practiced ease, Sydney's gloved hand closed around his erection, her touch firm and unyielding. Zaman's breath caught in his throat as she began to stroke him, her movements a mesmerizing rhythm that threatened to unravel him completely.

"You have a quota to attain, Zaman," Sydney's voice was a low, insistent whisper in his ear. "Three loads tonight. Can you do that for me?"

Zaman could only whimper in response, the gag muffling his words as he strained against his bonds. Sydney's laughter was a cruel symphony, a sound that both terrified and thrilled him in equal measure.

"In this milking facility, we only bring in the cream of the crop," Sydney said, her tone taunting. "And you, Zaman, are my prize cow. My special talent is making you cum, and I intend to do so. Often."

Zaman closed his eyes, fighting against the overwhelming sensations that threatened to consume him. He was nothing but a vessel, a tool for Sydney's pleasure, and he knew it in the depths of his being. His body was no longer his own, a mere instrument to be played by her skilled hands.

As Sydney continued her ministrations, coaxing him closer and closer to the edge, Zaman felt himself teetering on the brink of oblivion. Each touch, each stroke, brought him closer to release, to that moment of surrender that he both craved and feared.

And as he finally spilled over the edge, his body convulsing with pleasure and release, Zaman knew that he was lost. Lost to Sydney, to her power, to the dark desires that bound them together in a dance of submission and domination.

Sydney's laughter echoed in the empty room, a sound that reverberated through his very soul. Zaman was hers, body and soul, a willing captive to her whims and desires. And as he lay spent and breathless, bound and broken, he knew that there was no turning back from the path he had chosen.

For in the shadows of that cold, sterile room, Zaman was no longer just a man. He was Sydney's, a plaything in her hands, a slave to her every command. And as the darkness closed in around him once more, he knew that he would always be her prize cow, destined to produce cum for the mistresses who held his fate in their hands.

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