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002.1. August 19th, 2009. Is that all?

Kushiro had ventured out side to try and take a careful look outside and see anyone in any danger. He readied his shield as he looked through it, only to see two people out of harm's way.

Kushiro sighed, annoyed but he had dropped his shield and walked towards him. Observing some man dressed casually while the other was a woman dressed more like some princess.

"Ew! A peasant!" She squealed which made the man looked at her confused. "Peasant? Excuse me.?" He asked annoyed at her arrogance.

Kushiro walked up to them, surprisingly taking the adult approach to start with. Though upon getting closer to the two, he recognised the princess. "Adrienne?" He questioned and she turned around to see Kushiro. "Oh! Perfect, a guard. Take him away." She told him.

Kushiro sighed. "Could you not be so loud? You're going to arise zombies.." He claimed. The other man looked at Kushiro confused. "Zombies? They aren't real. You know that, right?" He tried to clarify.

Kushiro shook his head. "There's been a time merge between timelines into this one, the year is currently 2009." He tried to explain and Adrienne looked to the other man confused. "Did you time teleport us or something?" She questioned.

He looked at her confused. "Why the fuck would I know how to do that?" He asked and shook his head to look to Kushiro. "So, what year are you from?" He questioned.

"Alright, my name is Kushiro Ren and I am from 2170." He informed. Adrienne placed a hand on her chest. "Well, you all should obviously know me, but I am Adrienne Ludenberg and I am from.. 1640." She admitted feeling this weird aura around the three. The other man sighed. "Antoine Entienne, from 2077." He informed.

Kushiro nodded. "Perfect, now come on, there's other survivors." He told them and lead them to the building from before. Antoine followed easily, but Adrienne hesitated before finally deciding she didn't want to be alone and followed.

Aidan had woken up as well as Enenra by now. Enenra looked to Kushiro to speak to him. "Why had you abandoned the premises at such an early time?" She questioned.

Kushiro moved out of the way to reveal Adrienne and Antoine. "Ah, Adrienne and Antoine." She replied without even needing an introduction. "I am Enenra Phoenix from 1992." She informed.

Antoine tilted his head. "Wait, then how did you know my name?" He questioned confused and Enenra nodded. "I understand your confusion, think of me as an all seeing eye as I have seen into your mental discover your name.. and year." She informed.

Aidan watched over Valeria in hopes she would give him some much needed company in this time.

Adrienne looked over to Aidan as well. "So do all men dress in such comfortable clothing in this modern age? I personally prefer your fashion, Kushiro." She replied and Kushiro smiled. "Why, thank you, princess."

Antoine had sat by Aidan's side, curious as to why he was just staring at Valeria. "So... what's your na—" Not letting Antoine finish, Aidan replied. "Aidan Kantor, 2007." He informed simply to finally look to Antoine. "..you?" He asked in return.

Antoine nodded. "Right, right, Antoine Entienne, from 2077." He informed. Aidan nodded to lean back. "Who's the princess?" He asked confused. Antoine shrugged. "Adrienne apparently, guess she's famous." He replied unsure.

Aidan was just unsure. "Huh.. never heard." He replied to him and shrugged before looking back to Valeria, not noticing as Serendipity had awoken.

Now that everyone else had woken up, Aidan walked over to Valeria and nudged her softly. "Val.." He called out to her.

Valeria grumbled and refused to wake up. Aidan sighed and stood back up fully. Antoine looked at him. "Want me to try a trick I learned?" He offered.

Aidan looked suspicious at first but, ultimately decided to allow it. Antoine kneeled to her and grabbed her hand to curl her pinky finger and press down to activate a pressure point which made her jolt awake.

Valeria immediately yanked her hand from him and cursed. "AYE! Pinche a la mierda!" She yelped and hissed to shake her hand.

Aidan tilted his head. "Did that hurt?" He asked Valeria confused. Valeria nodded. "Yes! But, if it was you then, you're okay just shake me awake, handsome~." She claimed to him and stood herself up.

Aidan shook his head. "No, it was him." He admitted and pointed to Antoine. Valeria looked at him confused. "Who the fuck are you?" She asked confused.

Antoine introduced himself once more for her and she nodded. "Ah, 2077 then you should know me, Valeria Hernandez." She informed. Antoine smiled. "Oh, yeah I had a crush on younger you— well, what you look like right now.. you do look amazing." He admitted.

Valeria smiled. "Wait, really? So you saw me when I was older? Am I at least a pretty old lady?" She asked curiously. Antoine chuckled. "I mean you were like 40 when I found out about you, but you didn't look too bad." He admitted.

Valeria's smile perked up into a smirk. "Fuck yeah." She added and looked to Antoine. "So, you're Antoine? Unique name.." She commented. Aidan's jealousy was truly getting to him as he watched the two flirt.

Aidan cleared his throat to get their attention. "We have a cathedral to go to today." He reminded them and Valeria nodded. "Oh, sick." She replied.

Adrienne had finally walked over to the group of them. "So, cathedral, huh?" She asked and looked up at Aidan.

Aidan nodded. "Yeah, something like that.." He replied. "Kinda looked like a more modern castle.. or like some Resident Evil shit." He explained. Adrienne tilted her head. "Is that like some special type of group or something?" She asked confused.

Aidan shook his head. "Oh, no it's some game." He informed her and Adrienne nodded in understanding. "So, will there be some servants or something? This place is so gross." She claimed.

Serendipity had joined them as well. "Whether anyone is still alive in there is our only concern. Not your fantasies." She replied. Adrienne scoffed. "Fantasies? Do you even know who I am?!" She questioned Serendipity as she was fixing up some blade she had seemed to find.

Serendipity's looked back to Adrienne and sighed. "Not a care in the world, you serve no purpose if you cannot fight. You may stand back with Aidan and Valeria." She claimed.

Valeria heard that and stepped forwards. "Listen, bitch—" Which was cut off by Enenra. "Silence." She commanded and glared to Valeria. "Refrain from standing around to bicker, we have to leave." She added finally.

Kushiro had joined them lastly to pick up the key they found. He looked over to Enenra and tossed her the key to which she grabbed. "Ladies first.." Kushiro allowed.


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