She quickly took a shower, washed off the sweat before getting dressed. She wore a cropped black tube top, a black cropped leather jacket and black cargo pants with a thin blue belt. She brushes through her hair, leaving it down as she applies a coat of her strawberry lip gloss, coating her lips a light pink as she puts on a light coat of mascara and filled in her eyebrows. She put in her silver ear rings before pushing herself off her desk chair and rushing down the steps as she realized her shower took a bit more time than she thought.

She entered her kitchen, smiling at her mom and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Good morning, momma." Kaia greeted her in Korean, her mom's first language as Kaia's mom, Ji-Soo smiled softly back at her daughter.

"Morning, dear." She greeted her back as she slid her lunch box towards her. "I packed your lunch already since you were running a bit late, also be sure to give Ashlyn one of the bagels, we both know that girl forgot to eat breakfast."

Kaia chuckles a bit at her moms comment, knowing it to be true. The ginger haired girl was almost always late to the bus, to the point Kaia was surprised she's genuinely never missed it, somehow always making it last second. Kaia was the exact opposite of her in most occasions, she hated tardiness, it made her nervous. "I will, momma. I have to go, the bus is about to pull up."

"We have new neighbors by the way, Kaia, they have two boys around your age, they might be riding the bus with you as well." Ji-Soo called out to her daughter causing Kaia to nod as she continued out the door, yelling one last good bye before shutting the door behind her.

Kaia plugged in one of her headphones over her ears as she was instantly greeted by the sound of a Hozier song playing softly into her right ear. In her hand was a brown bag that contained both her's and Ashlyn's bagels. She from the right of her, she heard the sound of a male's voice calling out goodbye causing her to glance to the side, seeing that her mom was right, they did have new neighbors.

Kaia had noticed moving trucks a couple of days ago while she was on her evening run at the house next door to her, but she didn't even care that much during that time. Usually the people that lived in her neighborhood were older rich couples moving to the quiet town for a nice and peaceful retirement, but seems like she was mistaken judging by the two boys that walked out from the house.

There was a blond boy, the shorter out of the two, wearing a bright orange shirt that held a yellow smile emoji on it along with the word, 'smile' being printed on the sleeves along with under the smile design. Then he wore light gray jeans and red shoes. Then at his side was a taller boy with brown hair wearing a dark grey shirt and dark blue jeans and she couldn't spot the color of his shoes from there but it didn't really matter.

On accident from her staring, she had caught the eyes of the blond boy, who held startling red eyes that caused her to blink as a large grin spread across the boys features as their eyes connected, blue meeting red. "Hey!" He waved wildly as they ended up meeting right where the bus stop was right when the bus got there.

"Hi." She greeted him back with a small smile, not thinking much of the interaction, she was friendly with many people, so she had no issue with greeting him back, it wasn't like they were going to become friends, she'd never let that sort of thing happen. She was the type of person who was nice to everyone yet not best friends with anyone, she just wasn't the type. The only person she'd truly consider any sort of friend would be Ashlyn, and that connection the two had was partially forced upon them due to the fact that their parents were such close friends having served in the military together, her mom had been a medic.

She sat down in her usual seat, placing her bag down beside her in order to reserve Ashlyn's seat as the two had a silent agreement to always sit together during the bus rides there and the bus rides home. Though she noticed that the two new boys sat directly behind her as the blond leaned against the back of her seat with a wide smile. "We're neighbors."

BORN TO DIE | aiden clarkWhere stories live. Discover now