"We are nothing before your knowledge, Princess" they continued, their admiration evident in every word. "You always shock us with your unexpected moves. We wish you to be with us always. Hail to our future queen."

Vennila's gaze softened, touched by their words of devotion. Despite the weight of her responsibilities, she drew strength from their unwavering support, knowing that together they would weather any storm that came their way.

Vennila's assertion echoed through the room, her words carrying the weight of inevitability. "I don't deserve to be a queen, General. I can't be the queen"

The general's response was immediate, filled with unwavering loyalty and disbelief. "Princess, we can't accept it. We would be at your footsteps to do anything, but you leaving us can't be accepted, Princess. We know Princess, you are already a queen without a crown."

Vennila remained resolute, shaking her head firmly. "No, General. I don't wish to give you false hope. I won't take over my father for sure."

"Princess" the general pleaded, but Vennila's decision was final.

"I am taking my leave" she stated, her tone firm as she turned and walked away, leaving behind a sense of solemnity in her wake. 

Despite the protests of her loyal followers, Vennila's resolve remained unshakable, her path forward clear in her mind, even if it meant defying the expectations placed upon her.

Vennila's inner turmoil was masked behind a facade of strength and composure. Deep down, she harbored a truth that separated her from the titles and expectations placed upon her by others. She was not the rightful heir of the Don and this reality weighed heavily on her conscience.

Despite the reverence and adoration bestowed upon her, Vennila couldn't escape the gnawing feeling of disconnection. She knew that her life was different that she didn't truly belong in the world where she was revered as a deity.

The weight of this truth drove her decisions, guiding her away from the roles of princess or queen that she could never rightfully claim. She understood that her path lay elsewhere, outside the confines of the world that worshipped her.

"A week chief" sharath said guiding her out knowing her inner turmoil. 

"Everything will be normal" he added. 

"What if he didn't wake ?" Vennila posted a question which would lead everything up side down. 

"I promise princess, he will" sharath said. 

But Vennila's anguish spilled forth, raw and unfiltered. "I have to kill him with my own hands" she declared, her words heavy with the weight of her pain.

"Sure Princess, we will make that happen" Sharath responded, his tone matching her resolve.

Her voice rose in desperation, her tears a testament to the agony she bore alone. "I don't want him to die without pain. He should feel the pain I felt. I am feeling right now" she cried out, her heart laid bare in the darkness of their shared sorrow.

In that moment, Vennila's anguish echoed through the empty corridors, a silent cry for justice that reverberated with the weight of her unspoken pain.


As the days passed, Aadhavan found himself gradually becoming more integrated into Saral's family dynamic and the new environment surrounding them. He formed a bond with Saral's mother finding comfort and camaraderie in her presence amidst the unfamiliarity of his surroundings.

Meanwhile, Saral's hectic schedule consumed her with the demands of the film shoot, leaving her with little time to spare for anything else. The intensity of the production nearing its climax absorbed her attention completely, leaving her unable to engage with her usual routines or the concerns of those around her.

For Aadhavan, each passing day brought with it a glimmer of hope that he might catch a glimpse of Nilan once more. Yet, despite his persistent optimism, his efforts proved futile and disappointment weighed heavily on his heart as each day ended without a sighting of the young boy.

"Mr. Aadhavan" Vennila called out, catching his attention.

"Yes mam" Aadhavan responded promptly.

"I will be on leave tomorrow" Vennila informed him, implying that there wouldn't be any meetings scheduled for the day.

"Are you fine mam ?" Aadhavan inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"Yes, I am. It's my son's birthday tomorrow. Nothing else" Vennila clarified, her tone softening with a touch of maternal warmth.

"If you don't mind, it's been a long time... Can I see him?" Aadhavan asked tentatively.

Vennila paused, considering his request. "It's fine mam. You may have parties and relatives. I can understand" he replied seeing her taking time.

"No, it's not like that. We don't have any relatives or parties" vennila confessed.

Aadhavan was taken aback by her honesty. "Then why don't you join us at our house tomorrow ?"

"Your house ?" A gasp escaped Vennila's lips at the unexpected invitation, surprised by Aadhavan's boldness.

"Yes, you can see my wife and her family. I would love to celebrate his birthday with all of us... if you agree. The decision is yours" Aadhavan proposed, leaving the ball in Vennila's court.

To be continued..... 

Maybe double update! 

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