~Chapter 1~ Grace Field House

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The woman I call my mother... is not my mom.

The children I live with... are not my siblings.

This is Grace Field House, an orphanage.

And I'm an orphan...

Or so I thought.

~~~~ {October 12, 2045.} ~~~

Emu's POV

At 6:00 sharp, the house begins its day with the ringing of a bell.

"Everyone, wake up!! You're gonna be late for breakfast!" I yell.

The house is full of lively commotion.

"Come back here, Rin!!"
"No way!"
"Hey, you two— Stop fooling around and get ready!"
"Emu, we can't put on our shoes!"
"Don't worry, I'll help you out."
"Good morning!"
"Good morning, Tsukasa and Saki! And Little Bunny too."

I've been living here for 10 years already. I'm one of the oldest out of the 38 kids who currently live here.

Suddenly I feel someone shove me—Rin and Len. "You're it, come get us ♪," They chide.

I chuckle. "Watch out... I'm gonna eat you!!" We go on a wild chase around the house, Oliver on my back. Nene sighs in the corner. "They're at it again..."

"Mowning!" Oliver tugs on my cheek, making my voice sound weird. "Toya! Akito!"

Toya smiles warmly. "Good morning, Emu."

"'Mowning,' Emu." Akito snickers. "How old are you again, five?"

"Hey! I'm eleven—same as you guys! Even if it doesn't seem that way!! You're so mean, Akito!"

I hear Mom chuckle in the background. Even Mom is laughing! "Emu, could you please help me set out the plates?"

I whine. "But Mom... I wanted to redo my entrance...!"

She smiles. "But that's the part I like about you!"

"That I'm internally 5 years old?"

"No... The fact that you deeply care about your family."

A big grin spreads on my face. "Thanks!"

Our personalities, our ages, and the colors of our skin all differ. We are not related by blood. But I love them all. I love Mom. I love everyone. Even if we're not related by blood, they are my family.

This orphanage was my home.

Everything here was normal to us. I never doubted that for 10 years. This was our ordinary daily life.

A warm bed. Delicious food. An all-white uniform. I.D. numbers on our necks. And... the daily test. "It's for the future. For yourselves." Mom says these tests take the place of schools.


<< Age 11, Type 1. Answer each question within 10 seconds. We will now begin. >>
<< Question 1. Choose the diagram that is incorrect as three-dimensional shape A. >>
<< Question 2. What is the total number of cubes pictured... >>
<< Question 3. What is the number that will come in the 50th spot in this series? >>
<< Question 18. Choose the area that describes the inequality... >>
<< Question 25. >>
<< Question 32. >>
<< Question 46. >>
<< Question 59. What is the relative equation derived when the below conditions are implemented... >>
<< Question 60. >>
<< Next, Type 2... >>

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